t w e l v e

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[dedicated to simplymaryjay]

Ender was dreading going home that night. They had just finished the McDonald's in his car, but Saint hadn't said anything about being dropped off at his dorm yet. However, Ender knew Saint probably had a busy schedule; Ender didn't.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Ender asked. He hoped he didn't come across as needy or thirsty.

"I didn't have anything planned besides going to the gym and studying." Perfect, Ender could have some fun with him still.

"Good, so nothing important," Ender said as he put his car in drive.

"Ender, where are we going?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you that." Ender smiled at him.

"Ugh. C'mon Ender. I'm really not in the mood for a party right now," Saint admitted.

"Wow. Is that all you think I am? A party boy?" Ender pretended to be hurt.

"So is it a party? Because I'm wearing sweatpants, so we can go back and change-"

"Saint. It's not a party," Ender said, rolling his eyes.

"Where are we going then?"

"If I tell you, you won't want to come." Saint sighed and leaned back in the passenger seat.

They drove in a comfortable silence for the next fifteen minutes before Ender parked the car at their destination: Point Fermin Park.

"A park? You know there's other parks closer to where I live, right?" Saint asked. It was funny to see the cranky side of Saint. Ender ignored him and grabbed his backpack from the trunk of his car.

"It's not just any park. It's the entrance to Los Angeles' very own Atlantis. "

"Wait. I heard about this! San Pedro Sunken City, right?" Saint asked, his mood already changing.

"Yeah! I thought the history major in you would appreciate it." If anyone should enjoy this place, Ender thought that person would be Saint.

"Wow, you remembered that?" Saint looked at Ender quizzically. Ender just shrugged. It wasn't hard to remember. When Saint told him, he was surprised he was going to med school, but majored in history and not biology or chemistry.

"I'm glad I did. It's fun watching you totally geek out," Ender teased.

"Shut up. This is so cool. I mean the whole area just slid into the ocean. I mean it's not really cool..." Saint scratched his head. "But it'll be really cool to see," he finished, smiling meekly.

"Yup. Let's go check it out. Here," Ender said, throwing Saint a flashlight. They walked to the edge of the park only to find a concrete fence blocking them, along with trespassing signs.

"Well, this sucks," Saint said.

"That gate's like half your size." Ender rolled his eyes and threw his backpack over the gate.

"Ender! It's also illegal!"

"Saint, live a little! Remember, how excited you were to see it!" Saint still didn't seem too convinced. "Plus, it's only illegal for public safety, and I promise to keep you very safe."

"Yeah, I'm sure when we're getting tickets for trespassing they're going to care so much to know we were being safe," Saint argued. Ender groaned.

"Fine. Well, I'm going, so you can wait out here, and if I happen to fall into the Pacific Ocean because you weren't there to help me, I don't want you to feel bad at all."

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