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Saint wasn't planning on going out tonight. He had two tests and a paper next week. He needed to get work done, so when Perez asked him to go to his teams kickback to get hyped for their upcoming game, he respectfully declined. However, he had a change of heart, and it was not because Ender would be there. Definitely not. He did not want to see Ender. He had ignored all of Saint's texts, which Saint usually would not have taken personally, but Ender was the one who wanted this. Saint was unsure if he wanted any more sexual relations with a man, but Ender was the one who convinced him, and Saint needed that. He needed that push, and then Ender ghosted him. He didn't reply to any of his texts for two weeks, making Saint feel terrible about himself.  And then, Ender had told him to come to the party. Saint was only going to the party to hangout and support his friends. That was it. If he happened to see Ender at the party, he would look the other way. Plus, these parties sometimes got so big and rowdy that there was a chance he would never run into him.

Saint checked the time, realizing he should probably head over there now. He changed into a black t-shirt, which London had told him brought out his muscles, black jeans, and white air forces that were still in perfect condition with few creases despite him owning them for years. He sprayed some cologne, grabbed his keys, and headed out.


He opened the door and was greeted by loud, rap music. Most people were dancing or getting drinks. His friends spotted him and immediately started to make a scene.

"Ayyy! Look who's here!" one of his friends, Chris, shouted. His friends, which mostly composed of fellow student athletes, walked over to him, dapping him up.

"Wassup, bro. Haven't seen you out in a min," Chris said, pulling him for a bro hug. Saint did go out a lot, but his grades and football were his priority, so he was not out as much as his teammates.

"Yeah, man, I've been busy," Saint explained. The team looks content with his answer, not surprised. Saint Daniels was one of the most impressive students UCLA had ever seen. He maintained good grades, while being a stellar football player. As a result, his friendships with his friends suffered, but only slightly.

He walked to the back table and kitchen counters where all the drinks were. He grabbed a red solo cup, but only filled it with coke since he wasn't too keen on drinking tonight. Of course, when he turned back around, Ender was leaning against the kitchen counter staring at him.

Saint wanted so badly to just walk away, but he wasn't that type of person. He was raised with enough manners. Saint gave him a nod in acknowledgement of his presence. 

"No, 'Hey, Ender. How are you' or 'What's up'?" Ender smirked. Saint hated how Ender was acting so nonchalant, like he hadn't just ignored him for two weeks. Saint had to remind himself that Ender owed him nothing- they weren't even friends. When Ender noticed that Saint wasn't smiling, he added "You know, like what you said to me before— never mind, it's not funny if you have to explain it." Saint did get it, but there was nothing Ender could say right now that would make him laugh. Saint bit his lips and just stared. He wasn't trying to be this silent, but he didn't know what to say. Ender was starting to look uncomfortable.

"So, are we only ever going to see each other at these parties?" Saint inhaled and closed his eyes.

"Yes. Since that's what you want, apparently," Saint replied a little more harsh than necessary. Ender looked at him with those stupid, pretty eyes. The same eyes that were looking up at him as he sucked his dick. Saint shook his head at the thought. He could not be thinking about that. He needed to remember he was mad at Ender. Maybe, he was just being petty though? Saint usually was not a petty person. What had gotten into him? All he knew, he couldn't think straight with Ender in such close proximity. He needed to collect his thoughts.

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