t w e n t y - t h r e e

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[dedicated to SexWithSupernaturals]

Another bad dream. That had to be a record for the earliest he had woken up from a nightmare. It was barely 10 PM. It had been a week since he had talked to Saint. A week. He got uncontrollably sad when he thought about Saint, so he tried throwing himself into his work. That sort of worked, but he wanted to get over the sad part already. Everyone knew he was moping, and he hated it. Before dinner today he heard his parents talking about him. Darius said something about how he hated to see their little baby hurting so badly, and that the next time Saint saw Darius he had better run. Ender then heard Xavier say that they should talk to him as his dismal mood was affecting not only himself but the whole pack. After eavesdropping, Ender decided to skip dinner. He didn't want to talk to his parents, and he didn't want to hear Xavier's "I told you so" attitude. Goddess, why didn't he listen in the first place? What was he thinking? Now, he felt broken to pieces and no amount of glue could stick him back together.

Ender shoved his face in his pillow and screamed. Fuck! He had never cried over anyone before like he had with Saint. What had gotten into him! He had only known Saint for a few months, and he was crying over him? The old Ender would have never let that happen. He needed to get back to his original self. He took a deep breathe in, as a hand rested on his chest and his other on his belly. In and out, he told himself. His grandma used to teach him to do this when he was younger. She said focuses on breathing could calm anyone down, but this did something better.

He had an epiphany. He needed to fuck and forget. He would fuck strangers until he forget what it felt like to have Saint's touch on him...to have Saint holding him after a nightmare...to have Saint's knees knocking against him underneath a diner booth...to just have Saint.

Re-downloading hookup apps  made him feel sick to his stomach though, so he thought he would participate in the tried-and-true method of picking up people at a club. What had once been a tradition for Ender seemed so foreign now. Getting out of bed, he changed into proper attire. He decided on going to a club specifically for nonhumans. As he slipped on his shoes, he thought his dad would be proud of him for making an effort with werewolves. Granted this probably wasn't the type of effort Xavier would have wanted him to be making.

He decided against taking Sophia with him. He couldn't be bothered by her disapproving attitude of what he would do tonight. Plus, she would forsure cockblock him.

When Ender arrived at the club, he felt so alone. It was a familiar feeling that made his skin crawl because there was one person that crushed that feeling and now he was gone. Damn, he really needed a drink.

He slipped into a seat at the bar. The bartender was cute. Her head was shaved and her hair color was dyed red. It popped against her brown skin.

"What can I get for yah, love?" she asked, leaning forward, making her eccentric, beer bottle earrings jingle as she moved.

"A gin and tonic, please." If he couldn't get laid, maybe a little something to take the edge off wasn't such a bad idea.

"Coming right up," she said with a smile. Ender noticed her lips and how her dark, red lipstick perfectly matched with her eye makeup and hair. She had a distinct look that he didn't think anyone could pull off, but she did. Maybe, he could just hang around the bar all night.

"Ender?" a voice boomed over the loud music. He felt a tap on his shoulder and then saw Chase slide into a stool right besides him. He hadn't seen him since his birthday party, and while he wasn't exactly ecstatic to see him it was nice to see a familiar face. It made him feel a little less like a loner.

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