f i f t e e n (m)

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[dedicated to Jay-Jay-Bear]

Ender woke with a start. Another fucking bad dream. His dreams were getting worse, which was severely messing up his sleep schedule. To top it all off, he felt an enormous amount of pressure with the responsibilities he would have to take on as his 21st birthday approached. He could just hear his dad's words repeating in his head about what he would have to do as an Alpha.

When Ender was with Saint, it was easy to forget his problems. However, he hadn't seen Saint in three weeks, and Ender did not want to be the one to have to make the first move. He had already embarrassed himself enough when he not only drunk texted but also and called Saint after Saint had politely asked him to not bother him over spring break. Unfortunately, Ender's drunk state of mind was weak and had no will power. Drunk Ender thought dangerous thoughts. Drunk Ender thought about kissing Saint out in public. He thought about holding hands with him in McDonald's. Drunk Ender thought about a Saint that wasn't in the closet. Drunk Ender imagined Saint meeting his parents, and so much more. Thankfully, sober Ender was more rational— or slightly more rational.

So, even though Ender and his wolf could benefit from being around Saint, he refused to call him. He felt humiliated. After the whole drunk calling him, Saint had not texted him or called him. Ender was thankful Saint did not bring it up, but he also wished Saint would bring up anything else. He missed Saint, and he hated to admit it but that was a dangerous, sober Ender thought. He could not blame alcohol for how he felt. Therefore, the time apart was probably a good thing. Though the time apart made him feel on edge, it was necessary. His and Saint's "friendship" was built on an agreement with terms. What would happen when they exhausted their agreement? Ender needed to get used to not having Saint in his life all the time.

Unfortunately, Ender was not satisfied at all with his current sexual activity. He barely could get off, and when he did it was underwhelming. He tried meeting other people. He went to parties and clubs during spring break, but even the thought of getting with someone else did not sit right with him. Moreover, he was convinced after having sex with Saint any other sex would just be boring. Who knew some agreement could suddenly make him so monogamous? A few months ago, Ender had no problem sleeping around as long as he was safe, but now he only wanted to sleep with one person. However, the person Ender wanted to hook up with showed no interest in hooking up with him anymore. Ender wondered if Saint had found someone else or was really just super busy with football and school. He just did not understand why Saint hadn't reached out to him at all. Ender was the last person to reach out, now it was Saint's turn. Why didn't he get that? He wanted to scream at how confusing everything felt.

Ender decided to go for a run. Hopefully, he could tire himself out and have a restful sleep. He did have a big day tomorrow. He purposefully tried going to bed early today, but that did not seem to help him get any more sleep.


He woke up again. This time it wasn't a bad dream though, which was an improvement. Except, Ender did not view it as an improvement because it was a fucking wet dream about Saint. Ender lied in his bed feeling horny as fuck and even more anxious. Fuck it he thought to himself. He called Saint. His horniness made him put aside any pride he had left.

The call eventually went to voicemail. Saint didn't pick up. Ender was annoyed, but he would not let that stop him. When Ender wanted something, he got it. The agreement was three hookups each no questions asked. Ender still had one hookup left, and he was determined to use it tonight. He needed to. He needed to get Saint out of his system. He was craving Saint. He would feel better once they had sex. He thought that was the issue. He thought he only felt on edge because he had not been able to properly get off in a long time.

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