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[dedicated to CeeCee2023]

She should have been here by now. Ender had been waiting for her for over an hour. As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn't give up hope yet. She had always been unreliable, but there was a slight chance she might still come.

Ender rarely ever made plans to meet up with his mother. The plans were usually on her terms. Of course, the first time he asks to meet her she wouldn't show up on time. Ender was waiting outside the rehab center, leaning against his car.

A few minutes later, he saw her straggling along the sidewalk. Rolling his eyes, he stood up prepared to say what he had been rehearsing in his head all day. She looked like shit, despite her attempt to look better with a pair of sunglasses. Her blonde curly hair was matted and a cross of a messy bun and ponytail. Her white tank top had stains on it. If she wasn't an addict, her body might have aged better considering she was a wolf. He hated that she had so many tattoos like him, except hers were colorful.

"Ender," she greeted with no warmth in her tone.

"I don't have money for you, Monica." Ender decided it would be best to get straight to the point. He really wasn't trying to have a long conversation with her. She let out a dry laugh.

"Then why the fuck am I here when I have a pounding headache?" And whose fault was that? She undoubtedly went out and got shitfaced the day before. It was 5 PM already, but she looked like she just rolled out of her bed.

"You need help. That's why. This is a rehab. They can help you here. You need to change-" Ender was cut short.

"I don't need help from these useless piece of shits. And I definitely don't need advice from you," she spit. Ender didn't take her words to heart. He might have when he was younger, but she still reeked of liquor.

"Can you just listen, damnit?" He was starting to lose his cool with her. He needed to be stern and firm. He couldn't let her get under his skin like she usually did.

"Your daddies tell you to send me here?" she said in a condescending manner. In reality, Ender's parents had no idea Ender was even meeting with his biological mother.

"I am trying to help you. What do you not understand?

"You think I need your help? I do just fine on my own without you."

"No you don't! You couldn't pay your bills without me! Stop fucking asking for money if you really don't need my help!" Ender's voice was raising, but he really didn't care at the moment.

"That is entirely different. You're a spoiled, ungrateful brat. I brought you into this world!" They both were yelling at this point, but that didn't matter to neither of them.

"Oh! Thank you for bringing me here and then leaving me! I do not owe you anything!" Ender screamed through gritted teeth.

"Ender I don't have time for your stupid shit right now." She turned to walk away, but Ender grabbed her wrist.

"This will help you! You can get better!"

"Get off of me! You're hurting me!" There was no way Ender's grasp on her was even tight, but now pedestrians were starting to look at them.

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