t h i r t e e n (m)

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[dedicated to chegga]

"I've never played football, so I don't know how much help I'll be," Ender said. Saint had invited him over to the park to help him run through some football drills. Actually, Ender invited himself over tonight to hook up, and then somehow they started talking about their plans for the day, and here they were playing football together. Saint didn't mind though.

"Well, you're going to love it. But first let's try some drills. It's really boring to do them on your own, and no one else cared to practice."

"Oh I get it. I'm a last resort." Ender laughed. "Why are you even practicing? Isn't the season over?" Ender asked.

"Yeah, but we still have one more game just for fun. I don't want to forget everything about it just because I'm not trying to go to draft camp," Saint answered. Plus, football was still a great way for him to workout.

"Okay well I haven't worked out today anyway. So, what's first?"

"This here is a speed ladder. It improves your agility and speed."

Saint showed him a drill that they could do with it. Ender copied Saint's movements, and at first he messed up, but he quickly got the hang of it. They practiced with the 10-foot speed ladder, going between each ring, for a few minutes before moving on. Saint noticed that Ender was pretty agile and his footwork was good for a beginner. He then showed Ender some drills to do with speed cones to work their core and leg muscles. They took turns running between the cones, trying to see who could run faster. By the time they were done practicing drills, they both were hot and sweaty.

"You know, you're actually really good. I think you could survive one of Coach Wright's conditioning workouts. And that's saying something. Our first workout with him, we all were about to or on the verge of throwing up," Saint said, as they took a water break. He shouldn't have been too surprised by Ender's skills, he looked to be in great shape.

"Not everyone needs to be a UCLA linebacker to be decent at football, Saint," Ender teased. He poured some water on his face, attempting to cool down from the LA sun beating down on his face.

"Hmm. Getting a little cocky, huh? These are just drills. We haven't even gotten to actually playing."

"Well, I'm ready whenever you are." Damn, Ender did not seem at all fazed by the drills they just did. Saint, on the other hand, was already starting to feel tired, but he wouldn't let Ender know that.

"Go run, and I'll throw you the ball to catch." Ender started to run and turned around just in time to catch the ball. He caught the ball effortlessly for someone who "didn't really play football."

"You seriously never played?" Saint asked. Ender laughed and said no. "Not even for a little in highschool?" Saint pressed again, but Ender ignored him.

"Your turn," he said. This time Ender threw the ball for Saint to catch. His throw could have used more work, but Saint managed to catch it. They switched between catching and throwing for a long time.

Ender had the ball in his hand and when Saint told him to throw it back he wouldn't.

"You can try and come and get it," he taunted. Saint ran after Ender, but Ender was a pretty fast runner, which he had proved earlier with the speed cones. However, Saint's specialty was tackling. He got close enough to Ender to latch onto his stomach and bodyslam him. They both fell down to the ground, the ball rolling out of Ender's possession.

"Got it," Saint smirked, holding the football in the air victoriously.

"Ow! Ow! That really hurt, Saint!" Ender exclaimed, holding his arm to his chest.

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