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The music could be heard a mile away from the frat house. With every step closer to the house, Ender felt himself become alive. All his worries and stress seemed to melt away as the music entered his body like a drug. The house was crowded, and there was a long line of people waiting to be let in. The guy Sophia was trying to impress spotted Ender and her outside the house, eager to let them both in.

"Hey, Soph. You're looking as gorgeous as ever," he flirted.

"Thanks Perez. You don't look too bad yourself either," she replied. Gross. Ender thought to himself.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks," Ender said, letting them know he was still there.

"Hey dude. My name's Carter, but I go by Perez," Perez said to be polite, but his attention was on Sophia right now. Ender didn't even have the decency to try acting friendly. He just pushed passed them. He would get some drinks for Soph and himself. He couldn't give a flying fuck if he was being a cock block to Perez. Ender was Sophia's best friend- that had to mean more than whatever Sophia and Perez were.

He grabbed two drinks for them, and when he got back to the hallway Soph and Perez are nowhere to be found. Ender tried not to show his annoyance on his face. He gripped the cups so hard, he thought he might crush them. It's not like she asked him to come to this party with her, and then bailed on him the second they got there. Whatever. Ender wouldn't let it get to him, not when there was a cute girl eyeing him across the room.

Her dark skin matched the guy's she was dancing next to, but her eyes were on Ender. Ender wouldn't have minded getting in the middle of both of them. They both had model good looks. The girl was flawless, and she knew it too. She strutted confidently over to Ender, allowing him to analyze her better. She had tight black curls that overtook her small, angular face. Her face looked warm and inviting, but her makeup was bold and fierce. She had a smokey eye look and dark maroon lipstick to match her dress.

"I've never seen you here before," she purred. She got nice and close to Ender's ears, so he could hear her over the loud music, but she probably did not need to get that close.

"I came with a friend. She goes to this school," he answered.

"I don't see anyone," she smirked. She took the cup out of Ender's hand that was meant for Soph and took a sip. She licked the rim of the cup suggestively. Ender was fucked. He was totally turned on by her confidence. Ender junior was turned on too. He felt himself getting hard by this girl, who has only spoken to him for not even two minutes- kind of embarrassing.

"You seem like much better company anyway," he replied, matching her level of flirting. She laughed at this, and of course her laugh was sexy too. This girl had a barbie-like sense of reality about her. She looked like a walking bratz doll. Ender loved her laugh, and it made him strain against his jeans even more. He wanted to make her laugh again. It gave Ender a confidence boost— something he didn't really need. Still, Ender enjoyed making her happy. In fact, he would enjoy making her happy and satisfied.

"I would love to..." she trailed off waiting for him to tell her his name.


"I would love to, Ender" she repeated, "But I can't keep Saint waiting too long." She turned her head to the guy she ditched to talk to Ender. Ender couldn't help but think that guy was hot, like really hot. It was unusual to see hot guys like him. He didn't have a douchey, frat boy look about him. He should be modeling for Vogue or in a fashion show in Milan, not at this party with sweaty bodies grinding all over the place. He was tall too- taller than Ender which was saying something. However, Ender also didn't feel threatened by him either. Obviously, she thought Ender was hot enough to leave "Saint" by himself. Plus, the way he was looking at Ender didn't look threatening. Ender had seen that look enough to know Saint was definitely checking him out. Their eyes met, and "Saint" immediately tore his eyes away from Ender.

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