Chapter 7

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I got in the car with Jonathan.
"Sorry, I had to do a lot of work. I was hoping we could do something now?" He asked.
"Yeah sure" I said
"I'm really tired so up for another movie?"
"I'm always up for a movie" I said laughing. Once we got back to his house he made us coffee. I sat down on the huge couch and he sat down right next to me. We turned on Netflix.
"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked me as he scrolled through.
"How about... Elf?"
"Yeah that sounds great." He said. I snuggled into his huge arms. He wrapped one of them around me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. It was the most perfect moment. "So Madison tell me about you... Your family." "Well my full name is Madison Roth. I'm 23. I have an older brother and his name is Kyle. He's actually the same as age as you. And he plays for the sharks..."
"So why are you a hawks fan?" He asked laughing.
"Actually I was praying you would be drafted to the Sharks but once the Hawks took you, I couldn't take my eyes off."
"Wow... Really?"
"Yeah... My brother was pretty mad but I like both teams a lot."
" tell me more."
"Umm I'm from Michigan... Don't worry I was never a red wings fan." I said as he laughed.
"I moved here with my best friend Katherine 3 months ago and I absolutely love it. I guess that's pretty much everything... Except... Well my mom and dad were... Well umm murdered..."
"Oh my god. Wow I had no idea. I'm so sorry."
"The trials are going on right now." I said starting to cry. I put my head on his chest and he rubbed my back. After like 10 minutes I got myself together and stopped crying.
"I'm sorry I got your shirt wet..."
"Haha it's okay." He said as he took it off. I could get use to that I thought.
"Well I'm gonna head up to bed..." He said.
"Yeah see you in the morning."
"Do you want to sleep upstairs with me?" Oh god. Could I sleep with him? I've only known him for 2 days... I guess i could.
"Yeah sure" I said smiling. He grabbed my hand. We walked up stairs to his room. I snuggled under his blanket and he wrapped his around my waist and I scoched closer to him. It was the the perfect ending to a perfect night.

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