Chapter 38

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"Hello?" I said as I picked up the ringing phone.
"Hi. Is this Madison? Madison... Dayton?" She asked.
"Yes. Who is this?" I asked. My voice was shaky.
"This call is on behalf of St. Peter's hospital..." There was a long pause.
"Your boyfriend has been involved in an accident." She said quietly. My heart stopped. The world froze as my mind went crazy. I was breathing heavy as I hung up and ran out the door. I ran down the long hallway.
"Katherine?" I said as she picked up the phone.
"Hey, Maddie are you okay?" She asked.
"Be ready in 10 minutes. We're going to the hospital." I heard her start to talk but I hung up as I started the car. I zoomed out of the drive way and almost hit another car. It was like 11:00 at night.

I pulled up to Katie's house as she ran out the door.
"Oh my god Mads, are you okay?" She obviously saw the tears in my eyes.
"It's Jonathan..." I said balling.
"Here let me drive." We switched spots and she drove off to the hospital. As we pulled up I cried more. I ran up to the doors of the hospital and went to the front desk.
"Is... Is um Jonathan Toews... here?" I asked trying to contain myself from bursting out crying again.
"And who may you be?" She asked.
"I'm his girlfriend... We're getting married."
"And do you have proof that you are... Madison Dayton?" She says searching through her papers.
"I have my ID I said pulling it out."
"Okay thanks. He is in room 897. You will have to wait in the lobby on floor 8 until he can be visited."
"Thanks!!!" I say as Katherine and I are halfway down the hallway. We reach room number 897. I walked up to the door and looked through the tiny price of glass. I saw Jonathan on the bed with 7 nurses on the sides. His eyes were shut and he was breathing heavy. I sat down on the chair and stared at the floor.

Finally after 10 minutes the door opened. I jumped up and ran in well the nurse was talking to Katie. I didn't hear what she was saying but Katherine didn't look super happy about it. I pulled up a chair next to the bed.
"Hey Jonathan..." I said grabbing his hand.
"I love you SOOO much" I said starting to cry again. He opened his sparkly brown eyes.
"BABE OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?!?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I gave him a huge hug and he just stared at me.
"Jonathan... Is everything okay?" I asked him.
"Um who are yo- you?" He asked me. My heart dropped and I knew, he had forgotten everything... Everything about me.
"No... No Jonathan please remember!" I cried.
"I'm Madison. Remember?" He just looked at me.
"Miss? Can you please come out here? We need to take a test." I stood up and ran out to Katherine.
"He forgot me... He for- Forgot who I was." I said sobbing.
"Mads I'm so sorry... He's just-"
"No!!! He's not just anything! He will never remember again." I ran off and locked myself in the bathroom.

After being in the bathroom for an hour, I walked out. I headed towards his room. The door was closed so I opened it slowly. He was awake.
"Hey." I whispered
"Um hi?" He said.
"I'm Madison."
"Oh... I'm sorry I can't remember anything." He looked sad.
"I'm your fian- WAS your fiancée."
"Well I got lucky." He laughed. Which made me laugh too.
"Um anyway... Tell me about myself. I can't really remember." He asked nervously.
"Well... For starters, Your THE Jonathan Bryan Toews. Captain of the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team. You've been playing hockey since you were 3, so it was a huge deal when you won the Stanley cup which is the biggest hockey award by the way, um but you won the Stanley cup in 2010 and 2013... So that's pretty cool. Your best friend is your team mate, Patrick Kane. Your birthday is April 29th and your currently 26 years old. Your brothers name is David and he is also a hockey player because you guys were born in Winnipeg. You recently signed an 8 year contract to the Blackhawks. And you have played in the Olympics twice and last year in Sochi, you won a gold medal..." I trailed off.
"Wow..." He sighed
"Next, your favorite color is red. You love sushi. You live in Lincoln park. You love the movies paranormal activity and horrible bosses."
"I'm pretty cool." He laughed and at that moment I realized, the old Jonathan Toews was in there some where.

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