Chapter 29

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Back to Madison's p.o.v-
The last couple weeks were hard. I've seen the news- jonathan got suspended. He was a wreck. I cause this whole problem, but I couldn't go back. I wiped my tears and went to get some coffee on my way to work. Right when I walked in, I saw patrick. I turned and tried to run back out the door but he saw me and ran after me. He caught up to me within 2 seconds.
"Your not going anywhere." He said seriously
"Jonathan is an absolute mess- he needs you. He needs you NOW" patrick told me.
"Well I can't go back. I'm sorry." I started crying and I walked away. I heard Patrick yell my name, but I kept going. I couldn't talk about jonathan anymore.

When I got back to Katherine's house, I took a shower and watched some t.v.
"Oh my god Madison!!! What's wrong?!?!" Katherine screamed.
"What do you mean...?"
"Your eyes are all red and puffy. What's wrong? Is it about what happen?" She asked. I told her I left jonathan, but not all the details.
"I saw patrick at the coffee shop and he told me how jonathan was a mess... And how... He needed me" by this point I was sobbing. I was a total mess without him too.
"Aw Madison, go back to him. I never understood why you left him in the first place..."
"It's not that I don't love him, because I do. I'll get over him soon." I sighed and went to go get a snack.

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