Chapter 22

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3rd person pov.

Ayush was amidst her friends and cousins, they were all talking about everything and nothing except for Ayush, she was thinking of how her life is going to be after leaving her parents house to a Man that doesn't love her.

She laughed at the banters Samaha and khairy made which was so funny she couldn't help but laugh.

Aunty Jamila; Mami's cousin came along side Aunty Maryam; Baba's sister to take ayush to the elders for final fada.

They said their salam when they entered Mami's room and met her on a prayer mat her head lowered as she mumble somethings under her breath.

"Come here Ayush" she patted a space beside her to go seat. Her Aunties left and Ayush went and sat down beside her mother.

Mami took in Ayush's hand in hers and looked into her eyes.

"I've been waiting for this day and Alhamdulillah it's here. There's something I have to tell you so you can know the importance of patience. Ayush I lost both my parents in an air crash, I only have one sister and we moved in with your uncle. I got married to your Father at the age of 17. Hajiya didn't like me back then, she used to treat me like trash, but I was patient. Your father and i didn't love each other but we learnt to understand each other gradually and we fell in love in the process"

"Mami, Hajiya didn't like you before" Ayush said and her mother nodded.

"But Mami the way Hajiya is loving towards you now one would never tell she didn't like you" Mami placed her hand on Ayush's shoulder and gently stroked it.

"That's what am saying, patience is virtue Ayush, you're the only person I've ever told this because you're in a arranged unlike your sister " she released a breath and continued

"Ayush marriage is not a joke, it's all about patience, I know you as a patient person and I want you to continue being, you should always bear whatever happens to you at your husband's, don't include a third party, do not complain or argue with him, do whatever he asks you to as long as it's not against the Islamic teachings, and everything is going to be alright. May Allah bless your union"

"Ameen" she muttered.

"Maama" Farhan's mother came into the room and Ayush stood up and gave her a hug.

"Ayush" Maama said after pulling away.

"Na'am" she muttered and they went and sat down.

"Ayush take" Maama gave her a white box.

"Farhan said I should give you this box on your wedding"

"Allah ya maki albarka" Maama smiled warmly at her.

"Ameen" she smiled back.

"Now get up, everyone's waiting for you" Mami said holding back her tears "up"

"Mami I don't want to go" ayush pleaded breaking down into tears.

"Ayush you have to go to your husband's house" Mami pulled her up by her arm, she tilted her head to the side and wiped off a lone tear that escaped her eye. She then gave her a cream ankara which was sewn in a skirt and blouse. She went to Mami's closet and slipped in. She wasn't wearing any makeup but she looked beautiful. Mami topped her dressing with alkyabba (royal tobe).

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