Chapter 28

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Three months later.

Ayush couldn't get any happier than she was with Amir, he has been the most amazing husband to her, and gradually she moved on,even though sometimes she remembers Farhan and for her peace of mind they would pray for him.

"You look so beautiful babe" he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck,she leaned into his body blushing "thank you" she whispered.

Collecting the necklace she was struggling with, he helped her with it and turned her around, his hands on her waist.

"Gorgeous" he kissed her forehead

"You look good too" she smiled at him.

"Now we have to get going if not your sister won't be happy we came late"

"Especially when she said no african time" she laughed " oh don't forget I have to buy something on our way" she added

" Okay now come on"

Making sure everywhere is locked they headed out to celebrations to buy birthday cards for the twins, since that was the last thing on her list she figured she could get it on their way to her sister's house.

They had small conversations, sang along to songs and whatnot, if one would see them now, they would never think that these two had a misunderstanding,just like the way they were before they got married.

"I'll be right back" she got her wallet from her bag and entered celebrations to buy a card for her niece and nephew.

She walked over to the card section and began staring at the cards.

"This would do they're twins so I can get one"

"I really don't think that is a good idea" she walked up to her, in a straight atamfa gown that fitted her perfectly in all the right places and her head tie that was tied beautifully was pushed back to showcase a little of her front hair ,and one glance you could tell it was shiny and sleek, her cute lips set in a smile,her pearly teeth a bit visible, she didn't have any makeup on but she looked so beautiful and flawless.

" Huh?!"

" Even if they are twins I think you should get them separate cards"

" You think?"

" Yup, so are they both girls or boys?"

" Different genders "

" Oh so these two would be perfect, how old?"

" They are turning 6"

" Yeah these would do"

" Thank you so much, Ayush" she stretched her hand out for shake

"Amina" she smiled her pearly white teeth in full display,as her dimple got deeper.

They walked over to the counter together,but someone was infront of them so they had to wait.

"Hello Ya Amir?"


"Yes yes, I'm coming now,yh I just paid" she collected the bag and hurriedly walked out of the shop leaving her wallet behind.

"Toh bye"

"Bye" she smiled at her

Amina who was busy typing away on her phone didn't notice Ayushs' clumsiness till she was about to leave and the cashier called her back.

"Ma I think your friend forgot this"

"Shit" she hurried outside to see if Ayush is still there but seems like luck isn't on her side so she shrugged the wallet in her bag and called her fiancee to come pick her up.

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