Chapter 30

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"farhan!" ayush screamed shaking her head side ways.

"no amanee! No!" she screamed making Amir rush from his office to their room.

"ayush?" he sat down beside her placing her head on his chest.

"subhanallah she's having the nightmares again" he placed his left hand on her shoulder and pulled out his phone from his sweat pants pocket.

"it's 2:34am who can I possibly call at this time" he said after checking the time on his phone. He ran a hand through his hair and turned on the lamp by his side.

"no!" she screamed through his ear tears rolling down her cheeks.

"ayush wake up please"he continuously tapped on her face.

"ya amir?" she slowly opened her eyes and hugged him as tight as she could.

"everything is going to be alright" he held her chin and wiped of her tears.

"y...ya a...mir...amanee and farhan! Please save them..truck... drunkards!" she stammered hugging him tighter like her life depends on him. All was on his mind was who amanee is.

"calm down ayush-" he caressed her shoulder softly and made soothe circles on her back.

"it's alright now" he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He whispered some du'as into her ear to make her feel at ease and alhamdulillah before he knew it she fell asleep.

He placed her head back on the pillow and laid down beside her wrapping his hand around her waist she placed her head on his chest without her knowledge.


Amir tossed and turned on the bed and slowly opened his eyes scanning every corner of the room looking for ayush but she was no where to be found.

He sat down different thoughts running on his mind as to why ayush gets all those nightmares and what she sees that makes her so terrified.

"I know what you must be thinking of and am ready to answer all your questions today" Ayush brought him out of his train of thoughts.

"but first go take your bath" she adjusted the belt of her bath robe and kissed his forehead.

"Alright" he stood up and walked to the bathroom not before kissing her cheeks.

She went to their closet and picked two identical shirts of his with different colors wearing one with a leggings and keeping the other on the closet seating.

"you look hot babe" Amir said from behind her, she gasped and turned to see him in just his towel dangerously hung on his lower waist with water dripping down from his hair.

They were just a few inches apart and with one move their lips will meet.

"go and...and get dressed u have a meet...ting to attend" she stammered staying still. She bit her lower lip and his eyes followed the movement.

He pinned her to the wall and closed the space between her with a featherly kiss.

"it's Saturday I don't have a meeting today and didn't you say we have something to talk about" he whispered into her ear sending chills to her spine.

They've been married for more than 6 months and she still isn't used to getting too close with him.

"go dress up" she pushed him and ran away hiding her pink stained cheeks.

"I love it when you blush" he yelled from the closet and quickly dressed up.

Ayush sat down on the vanity chair trying to style her hair but it was somehow impossible due to the injury on her hand.

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