Chapter 35

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"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'u" I muttered continuously under my breath, I felt so numb, I couldn't react nor move. Seeing ayush lifeless on the ground brings back a lot of memories.

"Ya amir pick her up" fatima nudged my shoulder. I regained composure and picked her up bridal style.

"Nadia go bring my keys and also change so you won't catch cold you're drenched and Fatima go bring clothes from ayush's closet"


"Are you blind?! Can't you see that she's soaking wet"

"Nadia meet me at the parking lot with my car keys, you're coming with us, I demand an explanation"

"Okay sir" I rushed to the parking lot and impatiently waited a few seconds for nadia to bring the car keys.

"Why are you still in your wet uniform, go change and be fast"

"Okay sir"

"Don't worry I'll drive" fatima collected the keys and unlocked the car. I gently laid ayush in the back sit and went to the other side. I sat down and adjusted her position, placing her head on my lap.

"Ugh where's nadia" I groaned running a hand in my hair.

"I'm here sir, I'm so sorry"


I paced back and forth continuously waiting for the doctor to come out. And just in time our families came including my third family which is ahmad's.

"She's going to be fine inshallah" ahmad said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Amir mai ya faru" A worried sick mami asked with a misty eyes.

"Wallahi mami nima ban sani bah, but I'm sure nadia knows" i turned to look at nadia who was shaking and looking terrified.

"Ahmad and hafiz came over to my house earlier, we started talking about umar and she decided to give us some space, after their leave I looked everywhere for her and couldn't see her but by the pool. I met her laying on the ground soaking wet with her head on nadia's lap"

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" mami repeated over and over.

"Mama please don't tell me it's happening again"

"Nothing is going to happened inshallah she's going to be alright"

"Umma! Ayush" I went over to Ahmad's mother who was busy muttering some du'as under her breath.

"She'll be fine amir have faith"

"But what if it turns out like the other time"

"Nothing of such will happen inshallah" bappa assured me.

"Baba i didn't do anything I promise" I said to ayush's dad.

"I know, just stay strong okay?" He said and I nodded.

"Be a man" hafiz lightly patted my shoulder.

The doctor came out a couple of minutes later with a smile on his face. "Both the baby and the mother are safe alhamdullilah" both the baby and the mother are safe alhamdullilah. The doctors words kept playing on my head like a broken record.


"Yes congratulations your wife is 6 weeks pregnant, it's good you brought her here on time I don't know what would have happened, and please try to keep her more safe, you can go see her but please one at a time she needs some rest" i nodded and the doctor left.

"Congrats man" hafiz patted my shoulder. I couldn't even open my mouth to thank my him, I stood in thoughts before I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

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