Chapter 58

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Zeenah got ready to go meet a gynecologist after using pregnancy kits and it's all negative. She's impatient and badly wants to get pregnant, after all there's high chances of her getting pregnant since she followed all the things google presented when she looked it up.

She didn't want amir to go with her tho he offered to drop her off at the hospital himself before going to work and ayush suggested that even tho it's her turn. She said she's sick but didn't tell them she's going to meet a gynecologist. She wanted the news of her being  pregnant to be Amir's birthday gift from her.

"Are you sure you're in the right state to drive"amir asked for the nth time when he saw zeenah in the parking lot.

"Yes baby don't worry I'm fine" he always feels like removing his ears when she calls him baby but what can he do she's his wife.

"Alright take care" he got into his car and drove away before her.

She got into her car which was a gift to her by her mother in law when she got married and turned on the ignition. She arrived at the hospital with her heart in her hand, she's never been that nervous in her entire life.

Upon reaching the hospital she got a call from safina and she answered on the first ring.

"Hello" said zeenah.

"Hello zeenah, when you reach the hospital bah ask of Dr Zubaidah, she's my friend and if there's a complication she'll help us out I've already talked to her" safina said.

"Toh shikenan" she ended the call and alighted the car.

She asked of the doctor safina told her to when she arrived at the gynecology/obstetrics ward and she was directed to her. She knocked on the door and was asked to come in which she did with a weak smile on her face. She let her eyes wonder around the office which has lots of pregnancy posters and many files arranged perfectly on some shelves.

"Good morning" she greeted the lady who seemed to be around her mid thirties.

"Morning have a seat" the lady said with a smile "You're zeenah right" she asked and zeenah nodded.

She asked her a few questions and took her blood then asked her to pee in some cup and also gave her pregnancy kit to pee on.

A nurse took the sample to the laboratory so they can test it. Forty minutes into talking about the do's and don'ts of pregnancy the nurse came back with the test reports and silently left giving them privacy.

The doctor removed a paper from a manila envelope and read it out to zeenah who looked devastated after hearing the bad news.

"I'm so sorry but you're infertile" the doctor said to zeenah who has tears at the brim of her eyes but quickly blinked it back.

It's not the end of it, she might be infertile but she won't let the opportunity of having amir all over her while pregnant slip from her hands.

"It is common and you are not alone; let's talk about the struggles so it's a normal conversation" the doctor said looking at zeenah with pity which zeenah hates.

"No we're not going to talk about anything" she took the manilla envelope from the table and kept it in her bag. She's going to hide the real result and make another one.

She walked out of the office and quickly dialed safina's number and she picked up immediately.

"Safina" she said.

"Na'am tell me the good news already" safina said enthusiastically.

"There's no good news safina I'm infertile" she said calmly as if she's not hurt by the news.

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