Chapter 2

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When I got back home I met mami sitting in the parlour downstairs

"mami na ina yini" I greeted

"lfy lau auta" she replied with a smile on her face

"mami am hungry" I said with a pout.

"okay go and freshen up then come down to eat" she said

"okay" I replied walking towards baba's parlour.

"salamu alaikum" I announced my presence entering Baba's parlour

"wa alaikumul salam, Ayush ya makaranta" (peace be on to you too Ayush, how's school).

"lafiya qalau Baba na" I replied In a low tune

"you seem tired go to your room and rest, okay?" he said with a smile

"okay" I said and stood up then walked to my room and took a hot long shower, then got dressed in a simple bubu.

I prayed zuhr that I missed and prayed asr since its already 4:00pm, then got down to eat.

I munched on my fried rice and chicken, then went and lay down beside Mami with my head on her lap.

We talked about everything and nothing, just then we heard a bell by the door "salamu alaikum" a familiar voice said after shafa the house girl opened the door.

"wa alaikumul salam" mami and I replied in a unison

"hey people" and there reveals ya Hafiz

"ya Hafiz" I screamed and jumped on him

"fave sis"

"Mami ina yini" he said

"ohh so you've seen me now" she said and we all burst out laughing.

Ya Hafiz went to greet baba while Mami and I went to our rooms to pray magrib since the adhan has been called and ya Hafiz and baba went to the mosque and got back after isha.

When ya Hafiz got back he brought out our gifts and my eyes popped at what I've seen "ya Hafiz a freaking make up set, a new designer bag, shoes, clothes, watch and so on"

I said jumping on him happily "thank you" I muttered

"you are welcome sis" he replied, he gave Mami and baba their gifts and I went to my room to do my assignment.


I woke up by the call of Adhan for magrib, I performed ablution and went downstairs then Bappa and I went to the mosque in our house.

We prayed magrib and waited till isha, after praying we went back home and ate dinner then I decided to go to my room.

Wen I got to my room I hopped on my bed just then Fatima barge in "arrrg Fatima u gotta be kidding me have u ever heard of knocking" I said angrily

"yupp my arrogant brother let's try this again" she said and went back closed the door and came again this time knocking and came with a salam.

"uhmm my awesome and sweet sister what do you want cause am getting scared already, you just knocked and came in like a sensible girl, something is fishy" I said all in one breath stroking my chin acting dramatic.

"nope my lovely, nice and awesome brother" she said.

"you just called me arrogant like 1 minute ago" i said giving her a confused look.

"well and that too, ya Amir you know I love you and am your favourite, right?" she said with a grin.

"yhup what do you want?"

"I want us to have a sister and brother time tomorrow, let's go for an outing and you know ya Muhammad is back and I miss my nieces" she said with a pout.

"okay my dear stubborn and crazy sistur" I said and winked.

"are you serious, thanku thanku" she said jumping up and down.

"you are not serious see your mouth like thanku" I said pulling her cheeks

"you are the best brother in the entire world" she said walking out of the room.

"yh I know" I said before taking my phone to call my best friend umar which is also my cousin, I dailed his number and he took after 2 rings.

"hey bro" I said.

"hey whatsup" he said.

"cool just checking up on you" I said.

"oh, how's safina ehh lover boy" he said.

"she's fine" I said smiling.

"I must say she's really beautiful" he said with a laugh.

"yeah just don't take her away".

"umm okay" he replied and hung up, what da heck, he just hung up on me he never does that.


I woke up by the sound I hate the most, MY ALARM arrrgh. Today is Saturday, I stood up and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and perform ablution.

I came out and walked into my closet for a very comfortable outfit and there I spotted a simple purple gown, I walked out and sat on my bed, applied lotion and got dressed then prayed subh and ambled outta the room chatting with Fatima.

'hey indo' - bestie😩

'hi' - me

'yakike' - bestie😩

'lfy, guess what' - me

'what?' - bestie😩

'I said quess idiot, ya Hafiz is back from Paris' - me

'waaaaat?! my crush 😍" - bestie😩

'yup' - me

Just then I bumped into someone, I looked up and saw ya Hafiz, he's really taller than me, am not that short thou "ya Hafiz ina kwana" I greeted

"lfy lau Ayush"

"I was wondering if we could go out for an outing and have a little brother and sister time, it's been awhile" he said and I was already grining.

"yess yess" I said enthusiasticly

"when are u ever growing up" he said and I bursted out laughing

"as long as I have my favourite brother never" I said as I saw Fatima's messages.

"ya Hafiz is back"

"I want to meet him again"

"when did he get back"

"why didn't you tell me abt this since"

"I cant wait to see him"

Heyyo, how was this chappie? Hope u loved it.


With love ✨💜

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