Chapter 43

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It's been a week after my miscarriage and ya amir and I are to go to the oby-gyn for a follow up. He walked down the stairs looking calm, this is the first time I'm seeing him in a week. He usually goes to work early before I wake up and comes back after I sleep.

I walked out of the house not in the mood to talk to him. I can't remember the last time we talked so why do it now.

I heard the sound of the car being unlocked and I went in the passenger's side. He joined me and turned on the ignition. We arrived at the hospital few minutes later and i quickly unbuckled my seat belt and went out not waiting for him.

As we both entered doctor maryam's office, with a heavy heart I sat down on a chair opposite her. We exchanged greetings and i cast my head downwards sending a prayer to Allah.

There was an odd silence in the office before the doctor broke it.

"Ayush's test results are out" the doctor started.

Maryam took a deep breath and continued "second trimester miscarriage is quite uncommon and according to the result we have she must have taken something which led to it, we can't point out what exactly" she kept quiet for a while, Ya amir took my hand and gave it a light squeeze this is the first time I felt his touch in a while.

I shut my eyes in fear as I slowly breathed in and out. Ya amir pulled my chair closer to his and muttered sweet nothing to my ear.

"Just get to the point" I shut my eyes tighter.

"What she took in her made a lot of damages to her uterus and she now has an extremely slim chances of conceiving again" she said her voice filled with emotions.

I know it must be hard for her to say this as she's my friend but she's a doctor and it's her duty to carry out all her responsibilities.


The month passed by painfully and ever since the day ya amir and I went for a follow up I haven't been seeing him.

He continued going out early and coming back late. We say nothing to each other and it's been so hard on me.

I closed the door behind me and removed my veil keeping it on the bed. I took a quick bath and walked out of the bathroom in a pink bathrobe and a small towel in my hand trying to dry my hair.

I was surprised to see ya amir on my bed pressing his phone, when our eyes met he kept his phone on the bedside table and walked to me taking my hand in his


I ran a hand through my hair for the I don't know time since I got back home from work. I've been a mess lately and I need someone that can help me through.

It has always been umar then it became bappa and hafiz. But I can't just go to my dad and talk about my marriage life with him nor can I go to hafiz and talk about his sister with him.

Ya Muhammad Is back in town so i quickly took my car keys and ambled out of my room not caring how much of a mess I must be looking right now.

I drove to his house in high speed and arrived a 30 minutes drive in 15. I drove in when the gate opened it self and I found a spot and parked.

I got out of my car making sure to lock it before proceeding. I pressed the door bell, it was opened by them nasreen's nanny.

"Ina yini" she greeted.

"Lafiya, are they at home?" I asked and she nodded.

"Just sir thou" I nodded and walked in.

I went upstairs in his parlor like I own the house and gave him a manly hug.

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