sewing scissors: a quarantine story

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sewing scissorsseptember 17th, 2020

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sewing scissors
september 17th, 2020

"I'M BACK!" JUNE COLLINS CALLS, OPENING THE APARTMENT DOOR AND PICKING THE PAPER BAGS UP OFF THE HALLWAY FLOOR. After visiting LA in July, she had gone back to Seattle with Lucas. But near the end of August, she caught a flight back and had been staying with Awsten ever since.

 "I didn't get a chance to watch the live stream. Sorry about that," she apologizes, setting the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. "I completely forgot what time it was and got the notification in the middle of picking out the ice cream."

 She takes her disposable mask off and tosses it into the kitchen trash, reminding herself to pick up some more fabric ones when she realizes that it's been awfully quiet since she arrived back at the apartment.

 "Awsten?" she hollers, her voice echoing off the white walls. Where was her boyfriend?

 "Okay, don't be mad," he finally says from a distance. June looks around the small home, trying to find a reason why she should be mad at him.

 And then he steps out of the hallway and all his green hair is cut off. He's waiting for her to yell at him, scold him for cutting his hair himself — even though technically, he's a grown-ass man and could cut it himself if he wanted to.

 But instead of getting mad, she bursts out laughing.

 Taking a few steps towards her boyfriend, June's hands find their way to his uneven hair. "Oh, you look ridiculous," she wheezes. "God, you look so stupid."

 "You're not mad?" he asks after a brief silence between the two of them.

 "No," she tells him. "I mean, I'm a little upset. I liked how it looked with your roots grown out, but this is..." She thinks about what to say for a few seconds. "Well, it's definitely a haircut."

 But as the two of them walk back to the kitchen to begin to unpack the groceries, June looks around the apartment a bit more. Her eyes fall on a pile of green and brown hair, and she's not sure how she didn't notice it before. And when she notices the chunky scissors next to it, she smacks him upside the head.

"Ow!" Awsten yelps, rubbing the back of his head. "What was that for?"

"Idiot!" she scolds. "Did you use sewing scissors to cut your hair?"

 "Those aren't sewing scissors," he defends. "I use them to cut paper and shit. They're paper scissors."

 She tries to smack him lightly again, but he catches her wrist. Using her free hand, she softly smacks his cheek, and he lets out a, "Hey."

 "We don't cut our hair with 'paper scissors' either, Knight," she frowns, pulling her wrist free from his grasp.

"Sorry..." he mumbles, pulling a package of cheese out and opening the fridge door.

 "Next time you need a haircut, just ask for help or something," she chuckles, handing him the milk to put away as well.

 "Well, do you at least like it?" he asks, taking the jug of orange juice that she hands to him next.

 June smiles. "It needs some work," she laughs. "But you pull it off, I guess."

 Awsten shuts the fridge door and takes a few steps over to his girlfriend. "I can tell when you're lying you know," he smiles, loosely gripping her waist and brushing a quick kiss across her lips.

 "Please don't kiss me," she scrunches up her nose, pushing him away. "I feel like I'm kissing a first grader with that fucked up bowl cut you have."

 "It's not a bowl cut," he laughs, pulling her back towards him. "Stop making it weird."

 "Don't cut your hair without telling me first next time and then I won't have to make it weird," she explains, letting him pull her close to him once again.

 But when Awsten goes to kiss her, she turns her head so he can only kiss her cheek.

 "Ugh, you're the worst," he groans. "But since you missed the live want to go hear the new song?"

 "Is that even a question?"

 He takes her hand and pulls her away from the kitchen, both of them so incredibly happy that June booked the flight at the beginning of the month.

okay, so like, this is really short, but i really missed these characters so maybe i'll write more of these.

i have not read through this at all and it's 12:30 am, and i have school tomorrow. rip.

and if i do, i'm not sure how much of this is gonna be actual canon to the au or just me writing cute scenarios about them, but i couldn't sleep tonight cause i kept thinking about this idea.

also, i know 'low key as hell' and this era that's coming up probably won't fit into this au but hey, who really cares.

anyways, i hoped you guys liked it.

𝙌𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙀, a. knight ✓Where stories live. Discover now