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please let this be foreshadowing :: junemarch 20th, 2020

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please let this be foreshadowing :: june
march 20th, 2020


"He tried to ask me out. Lucas tried to ask me out," Ivy repeats.

 "How? What did he do?"

"I dunno..." she trails off. "He like texted me and started up a whole conversation and then just out of nowhere hit me with a 'Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but do you wanna go out sometime' or something like that."

 Lucas Cleary is a dumbass.

 "When did he ask you?" She tells me a little over an hour ago and I ask, "What did you say?"

 Ivy pauses. "Nothing yet..."

"Nothing? Ivy, it's been over an hour, did you open it? Jesus Christ."

 Ivy Collins as a dumbass too.

"No, I haven't opened it, I saw the notification and I was like 'Fuck no,' and just turned my phone off."

 "Ivy, you need to reply."

"Ugh, but I don't want to," she groans. "Can you just tell him for me? Please?"

 I sigh. "Please stop being a dumbass and start being an adult. Call me when you text him back okay?"

"But being a dumbass is easier," she whines.

 "Ivy. Call me back."


 I hang up and go back into the apartment and find that Lucas and Awsten have turned the tv off and are talking.

 "I bet she died," Awsten says as I close the apartment door.

 "Who?" I ask.

 Lucas turns around to look at me and Awsten sends a small smile my way, answering with, "Natalie Hawthorne. We think she's dead."

 I sit down on the couch in between the two boys and try to think of the last time we heard from her. "Oh, wow, it's been awhile, you're probably right."

 "She's probably just working on some big project," Lucas shrugs.

 I laugh. "What kind of big project could she be working on? Her job is literally just to write about us."

 "Maybe she's writing a book!" Awsten gasps. "Real question, June, if she wrote a book about you, would you read it?"

 "Oh hell yeah," I grin. "If it's about me, it would be hella interesting, you already know."

 "Please let this be foreshadowing," Lucas smiles.

 "Let's cross our fingers."

An hour later, I get a FaceTime call from Ivy.

 "It took you an hour?" I say once it connects.

 "No, but something else came up..." she says.

 "So what happened? What did you say? How did he react?"

 She sighs. "I dunno, I just told him I'm sorry, but I'm interested in someone else." She goes on about how she let Lucas down and tells me he took it pretty well.

 I choose not to mention the fact that Lucas locked himself in his room.

"I take it Ivy rejected Lucas," Awsten says as I come out of my bedroom.

 He's sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

 "Yeah," I say, sitting down next to him.

 "So does that mean she's gonna ask Travis out?"

 "I dunno," I shrug. "Don't tell her I told you this, but she called me earlier and said she might be catching feelings for him-"

 "That's great!" Awsten interrupts.

 "Yeah, but she told me just now that the whole Lucas thing shook her up a bit, caught her by surprise, and now she's not sure if she's ready to ask Travis out."


 I adjust how I'm sitting on the couch and frown. "I was kind of rooting for Lucas."

 "Well, whoever your sister picks, I'm sure he's going to be a great guy."

 He moves closer to me and pulls me in for a hug. I set my head on his shoulder, and think about the conversation we had about Natalie Hawthorne earlier, whispering a soft, "Please let that be foreshadowing," into Awsten's ear.

shorter chapter but idk what else to add lmao

also i have this one gif hunt on tumblr for jenna coleman and it takes so fucking long to load, there's so many gifs in it

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