Heal -Chat Noir x Marinette

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Got the motivation from a marichat art on Instagram. Sadly lost it but if I find it again I will ask permission of the artist if I can use it and I will put it here!

So yeah, this is written from Marinette's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Fluffyyy


I sniffed, rubbing my eyes with my long-sleeved shirt as I tried to stop the tears from flowing out but they won't stop. They can't and I can't do anything but let it out.

The pang in my heart when Adrien rejected me today when I finally got the courage to confess to him truly hurt deeper than I thought it would. I assumed I can take it but I underestimated the power of rejection and the pain it delivers with it.

I never thought it would hurt like this. I felt my heart tighten every time I thought of his rejection. Even feeling it in my stomach, head, and entire body which made me feel like crap.

I'm sorry Marinette but you're just a friend to me.

The memory replayed in my head since it happened this day after school and nothing was able to get rid of it. Nothing.

I tried studying, didn't work. Tried to bake with my parents, didn't work. Tried to sew a dress but it was still unsuccessful.

The memory kept on repeating in my head, not looking like its gonna stop for days, weeks, maybe even months.

I was sat down on my bed at this moment, knees up against my chest with my arms hugging them close.

I jumped when a knock was heard from my trap window above me and I looked up only to see Chat Noir himself looking through the window since it was tinted from outside and I was the one who was able to see him.

He had a frown on his lips and I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes one last time, containing in my tears and pain.

"Chat? What are you doing here?" I asked after opening my trap window and was quick to notice his frown disappearing right after I made my appearance.

"H-Hey princess. Do you mind if we... chat for a bit?" He gave me a small smile and I was sure it was forced but let it slip from my mind for now.

"Sure, kitty. Come in!" I forced out a sweet smile and he grinned and dropped down onto my bed.

"Thank you. Something happened in my civilian life and I was awful so I thought of visiting you." He admitted all the while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, want some cookies? I'm sure they will brighten up your day." I said with a grin plastered on my face, starting to slowly get lost in the conversation with Chat that I may have forgotten why I was even weeping just a few minutes ago.

"Yes please!" His cat ears perked up and I giggled and motioned him to follow me downstairs to the kitchen where we stored our cookies in a jar. We reached the kitchen since my parents were at their friend's house and were going to stay there for a couple of hours so it was okay to bring him with me.

"Here they are~" I sang, opening the cabinet that held the jar of cookies and placed it down on the counter after closing the cabinet.

I tried to open the jar but had trouble with it since it was shut so tightly. I groaned and flared my arms out and heard a snort from behind me. There was a pop and I opened my eyes and saw the jar, opened on the counter with a giggling Chat standing beside it.

I scowled and poured some of the cookies on a plate, as Chat closed the jar and placed it back in the cabinet.

"Wanna go on the balcony? The weather is pretty purrfect for a chat don't you think?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, agreeing with him to go to the balcony.

We both climbed up the stairs leading to my bed and went up to my balcony, as we reached it, we sat down on the cold floor and basked in the warm weather.

"Marinette?" I hummed for him to continue. "Do you know the feeling of just... being numb? It's like you think you have completely broke and don't know what to do anymore?" He asked, a small frown itching its way to his lips as he looked up at the stars.

My smile fell and I gaped at him, admiring how he looked under the moonlit's light as it made him look more refined than ever. My thoughts then took a turn and reverted to the memory I so wanted to forget and how it made me feel. Numb. Broken. Confused. Angry. Weak. So many words but I didn't know which was the word I could use to describe how I felt.

I looked up at him again and noticed he turned around to gaze at me. More specifically, my face. His face had suddenly changed and he looked at me worriedly.

"Princess don't cry, I hate to see you cry." He said, and was in front of me in a matter of seconds, his thumb swiping at a tear I didn't know escaped my eyes.

"What no, I'm not crying, it's okay." I stuttered out protesting and wanted to turn away but Chat's swift move of holding me close to him by my shoulders stopped me.

"Hey, it's okay to cry you know." He mumbled, leaning in and kissing my red nose.

I frowned and looked into his eyes, searching for comfort in them since I truly needed them right now and it wasn't hard to find them because he was comforting me.

"It's okay." He whispered, cupping my cheek and making me lean into him.

"I know how you feel and I intend to make you forget about it. I hate to see you cry and I can't handle seeing that sight again. I want to heal you from the pain." He gently ran his thumb over my cheek and I sighed at the sweet gesture.

"I want to heal you too. We can heal each other. Heal each other's wounds."


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