Rejected -Marinette/Ladybug x Reader

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Requested by Simuelnettex

Amazing story could you do a Marinette x The reader??? Plz thank you. Thanks! Have any plot? Well yes maybe the reader's comfort Marinette after being rejected by Adrien?

This is written from your point of view (POV). Hope it's what you wished for!

Warnings: A bit sad but then fluff


"You can do it, Marinette! Trust yourself and go confess!" I encouraged her, my hands on her shoulders as I stood in front of her with a determined expression on my face.

We were currently at the park and Marinette built the guts to finally ask Adrien to come to meet her so she could finally confess.

She nodded, gulping down her nervousness, "I can do it..." She trailed off, her face changing into a determined one. I smile at her and nod.

"Yes you can! Now go!" Alya and I exclaim, pushing her gently towards Adrien. She takes a deep breath and walks towards him while Alya and I hid behind a tree.

I notice Marinette stuttering all over her words, trying to come up with a proper sentence. I then gesture for her to take a deep breath in from behind Adrien and she notices, doing just as told.

"Adrien, t-there's something I always wanted to tell you." I smile, nodding my head proud that she only stuttered once and stayed calm.

"What is it, Marinette? Is everything ok?" Adrien spoke out with concern lacing his voice. 

"Yeah! Everything's fine. It's just..." She trailed off, looking over Adrien's shoulder and at me. I give her the thumbs up and she glances back at Adrien.

"I l-like you!!" I notice Adrien's body stiffen and bite my lip in worry when I notice him hesitating to respond.

Don't do it, Adrien, please... I thought.

"I'm sorry, Marinette but... I only like you as a f-friend..." My eyes widen but I notice Marinette not moving a muscle or even looking at him in the eyes, making sure not to glance at me or Alya either.

"I-Its ok... I u-understand." Her voice cracks and I begin to feel bad for her. All I wanted to do right now was to sprint to her and hug her.

And also slap Adrien.

A gasp left my lips the moment Marinette sprinted away. I yelled out her name and so did Adrien and Alya, but I was the only one who started chasing behind her.

"Marinette, wait!!" I cry out, pushing my legs to run faster than I have ever run in my entire life.

"L-Leave me alone!!!" I shake my head but then get tired of running and start to slow down. My breath starts to heavy and my surroundings started to blur while I wobbled on my feet.

"(Y/n), look out!!" I hear Adrien's voice yell out and I hear a car's horn near me but then gasp when my body was instantly snatched away from the ground.

"L-Ladybug?" I mumble in amazement, my breath now back to normal, feeling my feet land on the ground.

"Are you ok?" She asks me and I nod, still speechless about what just occurred.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine..." She nods and takes her yo-yo out. She was about to leap away but I quickly stopped her by exclaiming out this, "Wait!"

She spins around and gazes at me in confusion. "Thanks for saving me back there, but can I please ask you to do me a favor?" She looks reluctant but nods after a few seconds of silence.

"Sure. What can I help you with?"

"Can you please take me to Boris Lumé Boulangerie bakery? My close friend lives there and she needs comfort and I just can't leave her." (Tbh, I just searched the name up and that's the name of it in the real-life and miraculous -duh- so yeahh.)

"S-Sure..." Her voice trailed off and I held onto her, as she leaped away to the bakery.

Hmm, why did she seem nervous? I thought but shrugged it off after a while.

We landed right in front of the entrance of the bakery and I thanked Ladybug once again and she nodded, leaping away with her yo-yo.

I entered the bakery, the small bell hanging on top ringing when I swung the door open.

"Hello Mrs. And Mr. Dupain-Cheng!" I greeted politely, with a smile on my face.

"Hello, (Y/n)! Here to see Marinette?" Her mom, Sabine, spoke and I would be stupid not to notice a bit of concern shown on her facial expression.

"Yes, Mrs. Dupain. Is she home?" I ask, my voice lacing a bit of concern when I realized she might have not came here.

"Yes actually. She ran inside and sprinted up to her room and wouldn't tell me what's wrong. Can you please see why she's so closed off honey? Our door is open." I nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll go check on her." I then sprinted up the stairs to reach their apartment. I opened the door, closing it behind me. I saunter towards her room up the stairs and open up her trap door leading to her room.

"Mari?" I call her by her nickname, looking around her room only for my eyes to fall on Marinette, laying down on her bunk bed.

"Marinette!" I climb the small stairs leading to her bed and that's when I notice her wrapped up in her blankets like a cocoon.

"Hey, it's ok. Wanna hug?" I speak softly, crawling towards her, making sure I don't hit her by accident. I see her head nodding inside her fluffy blanket and do so.

I lay behind her and hug her tightly, feeling her body shake causing me to hug her tighter.

"It's ok to cry, let it out. I'm here for you, and always will be." I whisper. She then lets it out as I hug her close to me, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and reminding her that she's not alone and it's ok to get rejected.

I'm gonna be killing someone after this...


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