Safe - Chat Noir x Marinette

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Got this idea from a little TikTok trend going around and after watching another video I went straight to write this and it took me at least an hour and a half at night.

This is written from Marinette's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Street Harassment, a little violence, and then fluff


"You sure you can go back alone? We can give you a ride!" Alya spoke hopefully and I wave her off with a grin. She stood outside Nino's car, waiting to get them home after our hang out together with Adrien who had to leave early because of his father.

"It's okay Alya. Your apartment is far from here anyway and mine is just close by, I can handle it." I gave her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. She sighed and hugged me and I returned it.

"You sure dudette? It's no problem you know!" Nino exclaimed from inside the car.

"Positive." I grinned. Alya sighed, but broke the hug and smiled at me. "Fine but be careful and give me a call or a text when you're back home." She pointed at me with a strict face like a mom worried over her child and I swatted her hand away playfully.

"Okay, mom." She shook her head and chuckled, getting in the car and closing the door. Rolling down her window seat as Nino began driving off. "Be careful!!"


I let out a breath, the place grew quiet and I began walking down the sidewalk heading to my home. Just as I was going to turn left an old man in probably his twenties coming out of an alleyway stops me.

"Hey cutie, what is a little cutie pie like you doing here so late at night?" He slurs, his hand landing on my shoulder and I flinch back in discomfort. An uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm sorry sir but I need to go so if you'll excuse me-" I tried to walk around him but he blocked my way and wrapped an arm around my waist making me jump back and push on his chest.

"Ohh, a feisty one." He smirked lewdly and I farrowed my eyebrows.

"Let go!" I stepped on his foot but he leaned his face close to mine and that's when I noticed he reeked of alcohol and crinkled my nose in utter disgust. I leaned back trying to escape the man's strong grip but he wouldn't budge.

My hand wrapped in a tight fist zoomed up and smacked with the guy's nose sending his head back with a groan, his arms loosening from my waist and that's when I took my chance to run but he gripped my shirt, jolting me back on my feet.

"Oh, you're getting it you little bitch!" He wiped at the blood trickling down his nose and held his fist up ready to attack.

Suddenly, a blur of black came to light and pushed the man away from me as I tumbled down into safer arms. I looked up only to see Chat Noir with a raging expression I never witnessed on his face as one arm held me, and the other held his staff as heavy breaths left his nose.

"You're going to pay for that." His eyes turned into dangerous slits, tearing into the man's figure who was scrambling to get up on his feet.

"Oh yeah?" The man slurred once more, his body leaning on a wall of the alleyway. Chat gently moved me behind him and took a few steps towards the man, punching him in his face, the sound of a bone-breaking making me cringe, more droplets of blood trickling down the man's now broken nose.

"You messed with the wrong person." Chat swung his staff, perfectly hitting the man's head knocking him unconscious on the muddy ground.

Chat then whirled around, taking large steps towards me, inspecting my body from head to toe, looking for any injuries.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" His pupils turned normal again, his face softened when his eyes met mine.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine Chat." I took in a shuddering breath with my hands clasped together in front of me as I trembled at the memory of the incident, my heart beating so loudly in my chest I heard it in my ears as my vision became blurry with tears that I tried to not let escape.

Arms instantly engulfed me. Chat shushed me softly, burying my face in his chest.

"I'll carry you up and get you home. Is that all right?" He slowly and gently talked and I nodded, shivers running up and down my spine from both fear and the coolness of the air.

His arms then moved, one holding me under my knee and the other behind my back as he lightly lifted me, my arms instantly wrapping around his neck burying my face in his shoulder as I took in a trembling breath, his calming scent providing me comfort.

When he landed on my balcony, he put me down on my feet, his arms never leaving my trembling body. He opened the trap window leading to my room.

"Please stay with me... at least until I fall asleep," I mumbled as I went in, landing on my bed. He gave me a soft smile and nodded, landing down beside me.

"Of course, princess. But let's get you changed first all right?" I nodded and walked down the stairs as he followed me which I was grateful for since I didn't want to be left alone after what took place this evening.

I entered the bathroom to change into my pajamas while Chat waited outside for me. After doing my nightly routine and letting my hair loose I walk out of the bathroom. Chat's head turns to meet my figure and his jaw falls slack when he sees me and I give him a puzzled expression.

"Is something in my hair?" I reach up to run my fingers through my hair but he shook his head at me.

"No, it's just... Your hair is so pretty when it's loose. You should let it go more often, it looks good on you." I felt my face flush at his complement and hung my head down in a blushy mess as he chuckled and ruffled my hair playfully.

"Shut up." He smirked, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

"Aww, you're blushing." He sang poking fun at me and I scowled and pushed his head away with my hands.

"No, I'm not!!" He threw his head back and laughed, wiping a non-existent tear.

"Sure." A breathy chuckle left his lips, "Now shall I escort you back to your room my princess?" He offers me a charming smile and his hand and I shyly placed mine in his and nodded, still flushed. He grinned and walked me back to my room. I climbed up the steps to my bed after shutting off the lights as Tikki gave me a smile from where she was in the little dollhouse I made for her.

I slid in under the covers as Chat laid on top of them. I soon got a little annoyed and gestured for him to slide in and with a grin he did, and as soon as he did I cuddled close to him, his arms wrapping around me pulling me close to snuggle more into him.

That's when my eyes widened as I instantly sat up, scaring Chat as I reached for my phone on the shelf on top of my bed, opening up the screen only to notice 5 missed calls from Alya and 36 unread messages.

I quickly replied to her, telling her I'm okay and at home but didn't notice my phone ringing and she scolded me for not replying but we soon said our goodnights and shut off.

"What's wrong?" Chat's worried voice spoke and I put my phone back as I laid back down with him.

"I forgot to text Alya back that I reached my home safely since we were out. But it's okay now." I pulled on his arms to wrap back around me. He giggled and wrapped them around me and pulled me close yet again as I fell into a deep sleep in his arms, feeling safe and secure.


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