Twins * [Sebastian/James] - Part 1

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Sebastian never mentioned he had a twin brother, boy did I wish he had shared that information, I wish we had spent time getting to know each other before I ended up in his bed. We didn't.

I first met Sebastian at my local coffee house on the corner, he was charming and sweet. He had asked if he could sit at the spare spot on my table. It was the lunchtime rush and the coffee shop was heaving with bodies.

"Sure." I smiled sweetly over my book to the tall, beautiful man in front of me. I hadn't seen him here before, I came most days with a book in hand, ordering a tea before sitting in my favourite spot at the corner booth. Here I could watch people as they went about their day without being disturbed.

"Thanks. It's busy today. Guess I came at the wrong time."

I nod, peaking back down at the old pages in front of me. Today I had brought along Brideshead Revisited, I'd read it numerous times before, you could tell just by looking at the battered paperback in my hands and the way I thumbed the pages.

"Sebastian." He says, leaning across the table, a small smile playing at his lips, hand held out.

I place my book down on the chipped table between us, careful to mark my place. "Evelyn." I say slipping my hand into his. He squeezed my palm, our hands fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. I think I knew then how today would end as our eyes locked, briefly I imagined what his hands would feel like roaming my body, then the contact ended as he pulled away.

We talked for what seemed like hours, I can't even remember what I told him about myself, I was so entranced with the man in front of me. We soon moved to a restaurant around the corner, he paid, and then after that sat in the local bar till the early hours of the morning. Sebastian walked me home, and had been the perfect gentleman all evening. I hadn't woken up this morning expecting to get a date, before leading up to this moment. It felt too good to be true. But for the moment I wasn't going to worry about that. I opened my apartment door, we stood for a moment, before he leaned in to kiss me goodbye, his cheek grazed mine, stubble making my skin tingle. Our noses grazed each other as our lips hovered mere millimeters apart, both of us not wanting to make the first move. I licked my lips, before biting on the lower, that was all the encouragement he needed before he took my face in his hands, backing up into my hall.

The journey to my bedroom was slow and torturous as we carefully removed items of clothing, leaving them littered behind us. Sebastian wrapped his arms around me, lifting me from the floor, my thighs hugging his middle. I could feel the bulge of his manhood beneath me. I groaned into his mouth as it twitched below, I could feel it's heat radiating and longed to feel him buried deep within me. It had been a while since my last sexual encounter, I was going to be a writhing mess. I wasn't wrong, my hips jerked as Sebastian worked his way tentatively over my body, touching me in all the right places. It didn't take long for me to come around him when he finally slipped inside of me.

We lay side by side in my small double, gazing into each other's eyes as we fell asleep, my body wrapped up in his warm arms.

Sebastian and I both had a busy lifestyle I found out, he would be away most of the week, he was a foreign language Professor, and me, a publicist. Weekends were our only down time. We would text most evenings, we met a few times over, our dates always ending up at my place.

After one very tiresome week, some girlfriends had invited me out, I hadn't heard from Sebastian all day, but I knew he would be busy. We ended up at a notorious nightclub, notorious for the type of clientele it attracted. I didn't care, I was having too much fun to worry.

As I swayed to the music, a wasted dude to the left of me, his hands getting grabby, started trying to make conversation, I couldn't understand anything of what he was saying, his voice slurred over the loud music. I was seconds away from pushing him away when familiar eyes met mine, Sebastian.

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