A Friend [Bucky Barnes]

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Protagonist POV = Regular font. Italics = Bucky's POV 


I worked as a nurse. The job was gruelling, but it wasn't your normal nursing position. I was hired by the elite organisation known as HYDRA. I had been assigned to oversee the medical procedures of the Winter Soldier where I would often be found patching him up after missions.


I couldn't remember much, my memory was foggy, patchy in places. The faces in front of me had changed again, I shook my head, remembering only two faces before they put me on ice again. Pearce, I answered to him, my commanding officer, dishing out missions. He stood tall in front of me, hands behind his back before pulling up a chair to assess me. I complied, giving little thought to whatever he asked. And her. I vowed to remember her face, burning her perfect picture onto my irises every time I was put into that god awful machine. Her sea green eyes were a comfort to me now, she was always so kind, so gentle when the soldiers and guards weren't paying much attention. She stood far back, almost against the wall, assessing my every move. I twitched under her gaze, Pearce looked over his shoulder as he ushered her forward.


Stepping out into the hall I managed to silently slide my cell from my jeans pocket, ducking round a corner I quickly dialed a familiar number. Finally I would be able to leave this place, before now any type of outside communication had been risky, it still was, but I needed to call him. He needed to know. I handed over as much information as I could before a soldier rounded the corner.


The helicarrier fell from high in the sky, finally HYDRA had fallen, they had not been able to execute Project Insight. I sighed with relief as I hid in the forest clearing, it was soon replaced with fear and worry when I saw his body fall and hit the water's surface of the Potomac River.

I had fled HYDRA's clutches as soon as I got off the phone with Fury. He had placed me secretly within HYDRA's walls, I had uncovered more than he had anticipated, no one had suspected me, not Pearce, not even the Winter Soldier himself. I thought back to the time I sat in his cell, guards outside the door, they didn't care if the soldier harmed me, they could easily find a replacement, so I was left mostly unattended as I washed away blood and stitched up his wounds.

"You know, everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy." I muttered to him in the cold silence, knowing I would get no reply from him, he stared at the stone wall in perpetual silence. I knew the truth, I just couldn't reveal it yet, or I would lose. We would lose. "I don't think you're the bad guy." I whispered it more to myself, but he looked at me then, he hadn't looked at me like that before. Normally I thought he looked at me like a bug he wanted to squash, an annoyance, but that wasn't the case right now, he looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time. His eyes penetrated mine, and I could have sworn I saw something in those steel blue orbs.

After that day he would make sure to connect his eyes to mine, even after they had wiped him, and put him in that god awful machine. He didn't speak, but conveyed so much with his eyes, I was beginning to find myself able to read them. Or maybe that was wishful thinking.

I got up to leave, having wiped all the mud and dirt from his face and patched up a pretty nasty gash to his arm. The air was still and silent, I knew I would be away from here soon, Fury wanted to pull me out, my presence was becoming more risky. Perhaps he saw the guilty expression in my eyes as I stood to leave, perhaps that is why he wrapped his surprisingly warm flash hand around my wrist as I rose from my seat in front of him. Again, he didn't speak, he opened his mouth as if he was about to, but keys started gangling in the lock of the door, his grip left me. "I won't leave." I whispered, so silent only he would hear, as the guard came to see me out.

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