The Risk [Sebastian Stan]

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Annie was sitting in the pool cooling off. Her light brown hair pulled up into a knot on top of her head. It was a hot summers day.
Getting out to sit on the edge; feeling the baking sun dry the water droplets on her skin, Annie noticed some of the guys had started a game of basketball in the distance. She could faintly hear their voices carry over to where she was perched, bikini now almost dry.

Alissa hadn't turned up yet, Annie had been counting on her friend to arrive and she was late.
Annie sighed, kicking her feet about in the water; watching it splash a little, the water flicking onto her legs. Annie's thoughts went back to earlier that day.

Will, Alissa's husband, had offered to pick Annie up on the way over.
Annie wasn't sure she had wanted to come along today, but she couldn't sit inside on a day like this, on her own. Thinking.
She bit the bullet, packed her bag and slid into Will's car before she could change her mind.

Annie was pretty much dry from sitting in the sun. She decided to head back to the changing rooms, but not before she dropped her body back into the water, swimming a few laps of the pool again.
Swimming breast stroke up to the steps and pulling herself out of the water, Annie didn't realise that someone was watching her from afar, taking in her appearance.
He hadn't seen her in a while. He wasn't sure she would come.

After changing back into some shorts, a loose white top and some flip flops, Annie made her way back to the main part of the house. Will waved at her as she approached, gesturing if she would like a beer. Sticking a thumb up in response, Annie nodded her head, yes.

"Thank you. Have you spoken to Alissa yet?" Annie asks as Will sits down beside her, handing her the cool bottle of beer. She takes a long sip of the cool nectar within.

"She shouldn't be too long. She was just packing up her car when I spoke to her." Will replies, also taking a sip of his beer.

"Ok. Good." Holly sighs, she smiles softly as she looks down at her tanned legs.
Annie really needed one of her girlfriends here right now, she didn't know if she could stay here much longer without some support.
Although she loved Will's company, Alissa had been there for her when she needed her the most.
Looking back up, Annie see's Ethan; one of Will and his friends, at the bar area. He waves over to her, she returns the gesture.

Glancing to Ethan's right, Annie notices him. Sebastian.
She watches secretly from afar, perhaps he hasn't realised she was here. He's partly the reason she wasn't confident in coming today, she couldn't be sure he would come along himself.

Sebastian was smoking, Annie noted. He shouldn't be, she thought, he stopped smoking a long time ago. Annie furrowed her brows, asking herself why he would be smoking. She watched as he exhaled the smoke, letting it billow up around him.
From his left, walking round the bar, a slim, blonde and buxom girl makes her entrance, planting herself beside him, her bare legs grazing against his partly clothed ones.
Sebastian was wearing a light pair of cropped pants paired with a light blue coloured shirt. Stubble peppered his face, and a pair of black sunglasses rested on his nose.

Sebastian eyed the tall girl as she sat beside him. Annie turned her gaze away from the pair, feeling hurt. She was biting her cheek in apprehension.
She missed Sebastian flinching away from the girls closeness, she missed him glancing in her direction. He too bit his cheek, frustrated that Annie was still ignoring him.
He picks up his beer taking a long drag from the bottle.

Will was oblivious to Annie's wandering eyes and the building anxiety within; as he basked in the sunshine beside her, head tilted back in his chair, eyes closed.

Letting out a sigh. Annie looked over to Will, puffing out her cheeks.

"You okay?" Will asks, lowering his head. He looks at Annie, taking in her appearance. He notices the uncomfortable look on her face and look's around, his eyes coming to rest on Sebastian's profile.
Although they had been friends forever, Will was erked at his friend for behaving the way he currently was.
Before Will could say anything, Annie stood up.

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