Always [Bucky Barnes]

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Hollie was trapped. Fortified doors had automatically shut behind her as soon as she entered the bunker like room, encasing her in a concrete tomb. Old technology littered dusty work surfaces. Filing cabinets rusting with age, held the information she had been sent to retrieve. Lights flickered in their brackets, hanging from the ceilings and walls.

"Steve?" She whispered into the coms, "Steve can you hear me?" A buzzing noise, like bees, echoed in her ear piece. Steve could not hear her, something was interfering with the communications device. Hollie was growing more worried by the second, she could hear and feel the thump, thump, of her heart vibrating in her chest as she carefully made her way over to the filing cabinets in a far corner; stepping over discarded items, nondescript in nature.

"Hollie!" Steve shouts, pressing his fingers into his ear piece. "Hollie, answer me. You need to get out. NOW!" Steve looks over to Bucky as he shouts his final word. Bucky had just come tearing out from a blasted set of doors, the doors to the building Hollie was trapped in.

"Steve, she's trapped in there. I couldn't get to her. Something-" A blast echoes, gunshots fire around them, the pair duck as they try to evade rubble and debris as it starts to fly around them. An alarm rings in the distance, it's a warning. A missile is headed their way.

"Buck, go, get out, I'll get her." Steve notices the look of fear on Bucky's face, a familiar look he had seen before.

Bucky stands frozen for a second, taking in Steve's words. "GO!" Steve shouts again, bringing his shield in front of his body.

Bucky runs, he glances over his shoulder, his face showing signs of distress. He didn't want to leave her, but the people who had set off the missile weren't just out to kill them, they wanted to kill him. Steve would keep her safe, he kept telling himself. As Bucky rounds a corner, Sam and Nat find him, out of breath.

"Come on, we have to go." Nat says, gasping for air.

"Where's Steve," Sam asks, "Where's Hollie?"

"They're coming," Bucky responds, unsure of his own words, as he stands at the corner of the street watching on. Dust and debris continued to waft around them in the breeze.

Nat was aware of Steve's current situation. She tugged at Bucky's arm urging him to move. "Come on, we have to get out of here, they'll be okay. He'll get her out." Her eyes popped in encouragement.

Bucky glances behind him again, before running. Running away from her.

Steve stands facing the solid doors, they were constructed from a material he'd never seen before, even his shield, made from vibranium, one of the most impenetrable metals on earth, could not break through its defenses. If he couldn't get through the doors, he'll find a way in through the vents. Steve worked quickly, pulling the vent free from it's frame, before pulling himself up and sliding through the gap.

Hollie heard noises from above, she had found the folder, she had been asked to retrieve and placed it in her rucksack. Hollie pulled out a gun from her holster as the noises above her grew louder, she readied herself in a corner, pulling a desk to shield her body. Seconds later, a solid form came crashing into the room from above. Hollie had thought about escaping through the vents, seemed someone else had also considered that route, to get in. From her corner, Hollie stayed quiet, not wanting to give her presence away to this intruder, she held her gun steady, ready to shoot.

"Hollie." A voice called out her name.

"Steve?" She called, lowering her weapon a fraction.

He walked slowly towards her. "Are you okay? I couldn't contact you, your coms went dead."

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