Mollie [Bucky Barnes]

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Mollie had lost count of time in the dark and dingy cellar like room, it was underground like a cellar but deeper, like a dungeon. If you listened carefully you could make out the sounds of water as it trickled through the sewer system that hid beneath the city above. 

Accompanying Mollie in the hidden chambers were many young women. They wore stiff clothing, a dress of sorts, that was once white, now the cloth draped over their once curvy figures was grey and caked in grime from their unsavoury surroundings.

Mollie couldn't recall how she got to be here, one second she was leaving the rowdy bar, stumbling as she walked, and then she was here, locked away. Her little black dress and flats had been replaced with a white dress made from an unknown material that chafed her skin. Had it been days or months, Mollie wasn't sure, her mind was foggy.

Bucky watched on as an old Steve handed Sam his shield. Steve had conversed with Bucky only a minute or so prior to leaving to go back in time, he was to return the Infinity Stones to their respective time zones. The goodbye between them had felt final and Bucky knew his best friend wouldn't be returning like planned, yet he wasn't expecting this. Bucky watched on as Steve passed on his mantle to Sam, he looked free, happy. Steve had got the ending he deserved with Peggy. Bucky felt content knowing his friend had found happiness at last, now it was his time to find his own way.

Many months passed before Bucky crossed paths with Sam Wilson again. He had cut his hair, changed his clothes and had started to resume a normal life, well as normal as he could make it, the government was after him. Sharon Carter had turned up out of blue on his doorstep one afternoon, she had gone rogue too, working for herself. It had taken her a while to find the former Winter Soldier but she needed his help. Girls from the city were going missing, without a trace. Sharon had tasked a reluctant Bucky with finding Sam; after hearing her theory that a branch of HYDRA may be behind the kidnappings and with the government not on their side, he decided to help. Bucky wouldn't let HYDRA get the upper hand again.

Mollie lay on her wooden cot, a stale blanket covering her body in a bid to keep her warm, she tried to sleep, but it was impossible. The girls around her moaned and coughed, many were becoming ill, their bodies unable to handle the squalid conditions. Different men would come into the room during the day, or was it night, and chuck scraps of food on the floor for them to eat, bolting the door behind them. Many times Mollie would give her share of food to another, always choosing to care for someone else than think about herself. She would tend to the bruises left behind when one of the men would enter, using the girls as punching bags when they grew bored guarding their door. Mollie had tried to escape too many times to count, if she made enough noise someone would come but then they would beat her too, so she gave up trying to be free. She didn't know why she had been taken, why they had all been taken.

A sound like falling rubble echoed around the damp stone walls as two bodies fell into the room. They sat frozen for a moment, conscious of the fact they had made a noise. No one came. They looked at each other relieved. The two men were opposites of one other, but both muscular. The darker of the two, dusted his jeans down as he stood taking in his surroundings. "Damn." He muttered under his breath. "Well, I think we found them."

The other locked eyes with Mollie, he had light stubble on his fair face, short brown hair and a piercing stare. She sat up straighter in her cot, unsure of the situation unfolding in front of her. "We're here to get you out." He says, his voice was soft and comforting. Her stomach flipped upon hearing him speak, he moved a step closer to her. He was handsome, Mollie thought.

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