Quarantine [Sebastian Stan]

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It's 2020.

Corona Virus or Covid-19 is spreading. Everyone is told not to go outside. Self isolate. Keep safe.

Sebastian's girlfriend, Holly, had been staying with him. Now she can't leave. He's due to partake in a podcast with 'Muscle and Fitness' later on today.

"I can't cook Holly. What are we doing to eat."

"All you've got in the fridge is chicken."

"We're going to have to experiment aren't we." Sebastian groans.

"When you say we, I know you mean me." I called from the kitchen as I continued looking through the cupboards.

Sebastian was a brilliant actor there was no two words about it, but he just couldn't lie, he always had a tell. He'd done an awesome job this time round though, when he told Don, Zack and the rest of the world he was alone in our house, casually sipping on the tea I had made. I tried not to laugh as I sat opposite him, I had to keep quiet. He tried so hard not to look up at me. Don was practically biting his knuckles as he watched his friend continue to lie, I knew he was itching to out him, see if he would slip up.

We had managed to keep our relationship out of the public eye for so long. I was amazed at our achievement. Today though it could all crumble.

Don introduced Seb and Zack to one another. The living room was poorly lit and I tried to get his attention to turn the light on.

"I don't really know what to call you. Don said to call you Seb, but we just met." Zack said, politely as Don chuckled to himself.

"If we ever meet physically you can call me Seb. But for now, Sebastian is fine."

Finally he turned the lights on. The switch was behind me. He pecked me on the lips as he leaned across me, turning the spotlights on.

I rolled my eyes as they talked about being alone and how Don isn't one to sit still. Zack was right, Don was always on the go.

"How are you guys dealing with it? Seb?" Don asked. I could hear the slight change of tone in his voice. Seb leaned back casually shaking his head.
I held back a giggle as Zack set Seb off on a rant by calling him 'Mr. Stan'.

"It's definitely challenging." Seb says, carefully choosing his words. He wasn't wrong. It was challenging. We had lived seperately from one another and now we had been thrust together. It was a first for both of us.

I bit my tongue as he spoke, the lie easily leaving his lips.

"Cause I'm alone right." He was fidgeting in his seat. If you knew him, this was a tell.

"I'm in quarantine alone." Repeating himself. Another tell. Don had to cover his mouth as he watched the lie unfold.

They hadn't even been on their call for ten minutes and he was off. I dropped my head to the counter as he uttered my favourite word. 'Fuck'. His mouth pulled up at the sides as he carried on talking, arms flailing around. He looked directly at me as he continued ranting. I knew what was coming. I covered my face, peeking out behind my fingers.

"But, what makes me insane is, like, seeing that the beaches in fucking Miami are still flooding with these fucking idiots, and it's dude, they are dumb fucks and it pisses me off!"

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