Pregnant [Sebastian Stan]

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Deleted scene from my Sebastian Stan book, 'Wherever You Are' - Holly was supposed to be moving into Seb's house but in the process manages to get in a car accident and taken to hospital, Sebastian is away for work and isn't there for her.


Holly pulled out of the intersection, there was a sudden bang. Sebastian's car went spinning as another car collided with the side of it, the door dented with the impact. Holly's head whipped back with the force of the collision before hitting the steering wheel, stars flashed across her vision as she clung on, her knuckles white. No breath escaped her as her whole body tensed. Briefly blackness overtook Holly's vision, she forced her eyes open where tears had formed.

"Ahh." Holly finally breathed, her head was throbbing and pain coursed through her body. Finding her belt, Holly unbuckled herself before managing to clamber out of the other side of the car where she collapsed on the pavement. Passersby rushed to Holly's side as she sat herself up. Luckily a cop car had been stationed close by and had seen the whole incident unfold. One kind officer had called an ambulance almost immediately, before holding a rag to Holly's head where a neat gash sat on her hairline, blood had trickled down her cheek staining it red. The other officer had apprehended a man, who had been driving the vehicle that had crashed into the side of Holly, he had run the stop light.

The first thing Holly wanted to do was call Sebastian as she fumbled for her phone, the officer had left to help her colleague, but he was away, with shaky hands Holly called Alissa instead.

"Lis." She breathed. "Car crash... ambulance... police... they arrested him... I'm... the car, Sebs car... he's gonna... the car... oh my god." Holly stumbled on her words, not fully making sense as she worried over Sebastian's car and how upset he might be that she had crashed it., then correcting herself because it wasn't her fault, but still concerned and dazed. Alissa managed to get Holly to tell her where she was, assuring her she would be with her in minutes, before calling Will in a panic who then left his work in a hurry to meet his wife.

An ambulance was on the scene within minutes. Holly sat on the sidewalk as the paramedics fussed over her, asking all sorts of questions, but all Holly was worried about was Sebastian's car. She sat in shock, mumbling her words with wide eyes, she had never been in an accident in her whole life. Alissa rode in the ambulance with Holly trying to calm her, whilst Will sorted out all the details with Sebastian's car, a tow truck had picked it up, taking it to a garage. The police were satisfied and were not in need of any other information. Will informed all the relevant people, as Holly kept repeating that she needed to speak to her management, between mumbles over the car.

At the hospital a nurse took some bloods, and bandaged the gash on Holly's head with stitches and glue, the doctors wanted to be sure she didn't have a concussion, and asked many questions.

Alissa and Will left Holly with the nurse, to grab some coffee and something sugary.

"Holly." The doctor read her name from his clipboard. "Ah, there's no easy way to say this, but we ran your bloods and well, you're pregnant," He said in congratulations, he cleared his throat at the sight of Holly's pale white face.

"What the fuck." Holly thought. "Pregnant?" She said aloud, her brows creased in confusion. "But... I get shots every three months-" Holly cut herself off. Shit. She had forgotten to go to the doctors. "What the fuck do I do?" Holly thought, pulling at a couple of strands of her hair.

"I'll give you a few moments." The doctor spoke, before closing the door behind him.

Holly and Sebastian hadn't even discussed children. She sat in silence, chewing on her thumb nail, she felt sick to her stomach. The door to her room opened bringing an end to the eerie silence, and the world started spinning again. Will and Alissa had returned, their faces fell at the sight of their friend. Holly was sat, her legs huddled up to her chest as silent tears ran down her cheeks. Will and Alissa glanced at each other, something was wrong. Alissa came to Holly's side wrapping her arms around her tight shoulders in a bid to comfort her. Holly sat, stiff as a board not even registering the gesture. Will left the two, giving them some privacy. He needed to call Sebastian again, but the call went straight to voicemail, he left another message.

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