Popcorn* - [Sebastian Stan]

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"Hey!" Sebastian greets Cassie with a crooked smile, his blue eyes shining with joy as he slips past her into their shared apartment. He had been away for the weekend. "Hi." She says back, her voice tinged with sadness, her brow furrowing slightly. Sebastians head tilts slightly, his curious and gentle expression shifting. "Are you okay? Did something happen whilst I was away?"

"No, not really," she says, not wanting to tell him her job fell through. "I just need a hug."

"Okay," he smiles, "I think I can do that." He opens his arms, inviting Cassie in. She melts into his embrace easily, breathing in his own personal scent; cedar wood, smoke and lavender, it was home. She relaxed instantly. He hugs her back gently, his embrace felt safe, warm and comforting. He smiled into her hair as he too breathed her in.

Cassie pulled herself away slightly looking up into his eyes. He stared back at her, his gaze warm and caring. An ever present twinkle sparkles in his steel blue eyes as if the world is his stage and she was his only audience. "Thank you." She whispers.

"You're very welcome baby." He speaks softly, the words flowing through his mouth like honey. "Are you okay now? Have my shoulders helped you bear the weight of your woes?" He chuckles. "Yes." She giggles back.

Sebastian smiles, his dimples playing hide and seek with his perfect white teeth. "I'm glad to hear it." He kisses her forehead gently. She sighs at his touch, splaying her hands on his chest. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure." She says. He wraps a large hand around one of Cassie's. "What movie would you like to watch my sweet one?" He asks dragging her to the couch. She chuckles, a twinkle in her eye. Pay back, she thought. "The Bronze." She answers, voice cocky and confident. "The Bronze?" His eyes crease with perplexion, he's not one to normally reject movie ideas. "Nope, never seen it before," he lies, "please tell me more."

"Seb," she says his name, lightly smacking at his hard chest. It was one of his films, one he had acted in a few years ago. He chuckles, when her tiny hand thumps his chest, his eyebrows raising slightly. "Ah yes. The Bronze. The one which in which I played a champion wrestler. Good movie, if I say so myself." He grins. "And why do you want to watch it?"

"Wrestler? You mean gymnast! I want to watch it because... mmm Lance Tucker."

"Gymnast?! Me!." He jokes. His jaw drops , his eyes widen as his face adopts a comical expression. He shakes his head and laughs, teasing her light heartedly. "Okay" he smiles warmly. "Do we have popcorn? I'm craving some."

"I'll pop some in the microwave."

"Oh, would you mind grabbing a couple beers too while you're at it? I'd appreciate it." He smiles sweetly as she shakes her head. "Sure." She says drawing out the word. She felt something was off.

Sebastian smiles and leans his head back against the couch, sinking into it slowly. He knew why Cassie wanted to watch Lance fucking Tucker. Time to press some buttons he thought as he crossed his legs over at the ankles, placing his hands into his lap, looking over at Cassie and awaiting her return.

Soon Cassie returns with popcorn and beers, and joins Seb on the couch. "Thanks love, you're an angel." He snatches up one of the beers from her, cracks it open and takes a swig. "And the popcorn. Let me just..." He grins and leans forwards to take the bowl from Cassie before resting back on the couch, his legs still crossed at the ankles. He popped a couple of the kernels in his mouth, his eyelids fluttering as he stared at the TV.

"Rude." Cassie huffs. Sebastian turns his head to her, cocking an eyebrow. "What was that sweetheart?"

"Nothing." She says, wriggling into her spot and propping her feet up into his lap.

"Don't lie to me, my sweet one." He says taking her feet into his hands, squeezing them gently. "Say it again."

"Fine. Rude." She says again, this time louder so he can hear her. He smiles slightly and gives her feet one more squeeze before placing them back on the couch. He knew how to get under her skin. He leant slightly more forward, turning his attention back to the movie. He takes a sip of beer in response to Cassie's sass. She sighed in annoyance, settling back into her spot and stuffing more popcorn into her mouth.

The coners of Sebastians lips curl upwards, watching as Cassie stuffs the popcorn in, in an aggressive manner. He finishes off his beer and sets the empty can aside.

Cassie gives Sebastian her best death glare as she leans forward taking a sip of beer from the other can. He looks over at her, chuckling at her expression. "Oh what's that look for baby? Are you challenging me to a beer drinking contest?" He stirs.

"You know I'd win." She bites.

"Hmm if that's what you think darling." He chuckles, reaching across for he beer. "Hey!" She shouts. He pulls on the can, his grip stronger than hers. He raises an eyebrow and mockingly asks, "What?"

"Gimme back my beer." She says, climbing into his lap to retrieve it. He chuckles again, and after another tug of war, he lets go. His arms cross over his chest and be tilts his head back slightly, his eyebrows raising once more. "Oh so this is what you're going to do? Steal my beer and sit on my lap?"

"It was my beer remember. And yes, I am. You got a problem with that?"

"No problem." He had her right where he wanted her. His lips curve up into a mischievous smile. He reaches up and caresses her chin, his thumb rubbing it's soft surface. "The only thing I have a problem with is how am I supposed to concentrate on the movie when you're here on top of me?..."

Cassie smirks. Mission accomplished. She presses herself closer to him, setting the beer aside. He stares at her, eyes locked onto one anothers. His eyebrows rise slightly, his mouth slightly agape. Sebastian reaches a hand to Cassie's cheek, caressing her face, his touch gentle and warm. Finally he leans forward and kisses her lips. His lips are soft and warm, his kisses are light at first and grow more passionate. "Cassie groans into his open mouth. This was what she had wanted. Sebastian pulls away for a split second, gasping for air. His eyes were closed. He lets out a shakey breath, looking at Cassie and leaning in close again. His kisses are more hungry and forceful.

Cassie grinds into him as she straddles his thick thighs. His lips continue to explore hers, one hand on her hip, the other comes up to her neck, cupping her cheek. The kiss continues to grow more passionate, the heat from his warm breath against her skin sends chills down her spine. Sebastian seems insatiable, he reaches his tongue, pressing it against Cassie's lips urging them to part. She does so willingly, letting his tongue dominate her mouth. The movie is long forgotten as they begin to remove each others clothes.

Sebastian pulls back for a second. His breathing quick and heavy, he looks at Cassie and grins, his lips slightly red and swollen. "I think someone is a little impatient." He chuckles and kisses her neck, sucking on her sweet spot, he unbuttons his shirt. As he does so, his elbow catches the bowl of popcorn and it falls to the floor scattering everywhere. Cassie giggled, she was being impatient, she has missed him. She leans down to catch his lips in hers, then works kisses over his neck and chest, her hands racking over his hard abs. Sebastian groans as she peppers nips and kisses all the way down his stomach, teasing at the edge of his pants.

She makes quick work of pulling them down over his thick thighs, with a little help from Sebastian. He's thick member is hard and standing to attention. "Mmm, she hums, swirling her tongue over the end. "Tastes like popcorn."

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