Alma [Bucky Barnes]

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*Alternate Universe*

Alma sat on the swinging chair in the vast gardens of her family's farm. She chewed on a nail as she swung lightly backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. She thought back to the time she had been with him, the only man she had given herself too. They had declared their love for one another that day, she thought they would be together forever.

But not anymore, that same man sat in her late father's chair, with another at his side, his new bride to be. It had been an arranged marriage of course, he didn't want it, not really, he got on with his new fiancee, they had become friends over time, but he didn't love her. His mother had said he would grow to love her, but the only woman who held his heart was Alma. Sweet Alma who currently sat outside, distressed at him being here in her home, they hadn't seen each other in weeks. She had been so upset and hurt the day he came to her, telling her of his arrangement. His mother had forced him into it. "You make your own decisions James," She had said, tears silently rolling down her cheeks. "You're your own man."


I sat on the wooden swinging chair outside as Bucky sat in my late father's high backed leather seat. It hurt seeing him here, with her. He had come, along with his new fiancee and mother to announce his engagement. No one knew about us, I figured he probably hadn't even told her, his new lover, about our relationship. He had called it off, our-whatever it was, once his mother had ordered him to merge his family with another's. She came from money, and so did he, their union would be the ultimate marriage. I didn't come from such a prestigious background, but our family was respected. I wiped away a stray tear as it slowly worked its way down my cheek. I couldn't sit here and watch this facade, I needed to get away. I ran.


Alma had had enough. Bucky watched her from his seat, his new fiancee sat beside him, her hand resting lightly on his knee, as Alma wiped a tear from her cheek. Bucky's fiancee was aware of his feelings for the petite farm girl, she held her own remorse, she had been pulled away from her own lover, to marry this man. She gently squeezes his leg, making her choice. Taking his eyes from Alma he looked Elizabeth square in the eye, a slight nod and a small smile from her was all Bucky needed. They would not do this.

"I'm sorry but the wedding is off. Elizabeth and I-"

"It's alright James, go to her." Elizabeth had seen Alma flee. "I'll handle this." She rose from her feet, ready to confront the angry people in front of her.

"Thank you." Turning back to the doors, Bucky notices Alma is no longer there. He rushed to the spot she had occupied, the swing chair rocked back and forth gently, as it's seat sat empty. Bucky looks around, eyes searching for her. In the distance he sees the petite frame of Alma swaying side to side as she makes her escape.

Alma panted as she ran down the dirt track, tears threatened to escape her as she continued, winding through the tall grasses and running past Steve, one of the gardeners. He had lived nearby with his mother and taken up the job to get by, they had little money. They had been friends growing up, if it wasn't for Bucky, Alma wondered if perhaps she and Steve would have gotten together. Well, it was too late now.

"Hey." Steve called in alarm as Alma tore past him.

She kept going, tripping and scuffing her hands as she fell, twisting her wrist in the process. Alma picks herself up, running through the fields and into the woods. She felt safe here, she and Steve, and eventually Bucky would run through this country forest, chasing one another, playing games of hide and seek. Bucky and Alma had shared their first kiss here, that fateful day their relationship changed, they were no longer friends. Bucky had confided in Steve of his love for Alma, although he was a farm hand, a gardener, they had become firm friends.

Bucky could see Alma in the distance, making her way into the forest as he passed by Steve. "She seemed upset Buck." Steve says as he rushes by.

"Alma." Bucky shouts, but she doesn't hear him.

Alma slumps against an old tree, her breath running ragged as her backside hits the ground. She notices a prickly bush beside her, purple berries sparkled catching her eye.

"Remember to stay away from the purple berries, don't touch them." Alma's mother reminded her again as she made her way out of the house to see Steve, Bucky was coming by today, his mother encouraged him to form relationships with people from different walks of life.

"Yes mama, I remember." Alma's voice tinkled. It had always been known not to touch the purple berries, it was something that had been instilled into Alma and all the other villagers from a young age; there was only one known antidote, it was rare and hard to come by. Don't touch the berries.

Alma reaches her fingers out, they glide over the surface of the berry, she nicks her finger slightly on one of the thorns as she picks a large berry from its spot, blood rushes to the small pin prick on the tip of her finger. Alma rolls the berry through her fingers, testing it by squeezing it lightly between her index finger and thumb. Slowly, as tears escape her eyes and low sob echoes from her throat she places the berry in between her lips. She closes her eyes as she bites down, the berry pops between her teeth.

Bucky comes running, still calling Alma's name, into the forest clearing. He stops suddenly, seeing her slumped against the tree, her arms laid out beside her, fingertips stained purple.

"Alma! No. You can't do this. I called the wedding off," He shakes her limp body as he screams her name. "Alma, please-" He sobs into her neck. Bucky cradles Alma in his arms and picks her up, he needs to get help and fast. He rushed back towards Steve, he would know what to do. This was all Bucky's fault.

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