Mistreated [Jefferson/Mad Hatter]

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"Noa! NOA!"

I hear a name being shouted, the voice, man's harsh and unkind. He said the unfamiliar name with pure hatred, venom laced his tongue with each out burst.

I sat in some bushes not too far from the palace, pondering my next move, I had just been to visit the Queen, Regina. She would not stop in her quest for me to make her a hat. I had said no on many occasions but still she visited or requested I go to her. But since I had lost Grace to illness I had nothing else now to lose.

I finally gave into her demands. No good would come out of helping the Queen, but if this was the last thing I did, at least I would be back with them.

I watched on from my hiding spot as a woman, petite in stature, hair billowing behind her, runs past me. She almost trips on the dirt path laid out seamlessly before her, holding back a small screech as she stumbles. I notice that her feet are bare.

"Noa!" More shouting and swearing from the same man, he sounded furious. He must come from within the castle walls, he was dressed well I noted as he ran after her, his face red with anger.

I move from my spot, careful to remain unseen to the man halted on the path, his breath coming out in short raspy bursts, hands on his hips as he hunches over.

I quickly find a path through the trees. I know the paths here well. Grace and I would often play games of hide and seek in this forest. I stop by a large oak, one I had hid behind in the past, as images of my lost daughter force their way to the surface of my mind. My Grace, oh how I missed her. I suck in a jagged breathe as I continue through the tall tightly packed forest.

I find myself taking the lead, I hear her footfall a short way behind me, carefully I position myself, and within seconds she comes crashing through the pines, barrelling into my arms. I almost topple and she almost screams.

"Noa!" His voice carries in the wind, he's close.

I place a careful hand over her mouth. "Shh." I plead with wide eyes, she nods.

Carefully I remove my palm from her cracked lips, my thumb gently tracing her cheek. Only now do I notice her bright green eyes, eyes that burst with fire and life, as they bore into my own. She stays quiet and we hear his footsteps leave, he's taken a different path.

"Follow me," I urge. "My horse is close by."

I don't know what propelled me to help her, but I knew I had to. Something about her captivated my very being.

Noa, I assume that's her name, follows me without question as I lead us down a narrow, rarely used path. The trees are more tightly packed here; I brush branches aside, helping her navigate the thick greenery. I pull back a fairly large branch and allow her to walk ahead of me, she turns briefly, eyes seeking mine unsure of which direction to take when she trips over a fallen log. I try to catch her. I fail.

As if in slow motion we roll together down a steep embankment, my arms finding their way around her petite body as we tumble. She lets out a small squeak as we hit the ground, my arms shielding her from harm as we roll, one hand placed behind her head. She looks up at me as we come to a stop, her head nestled beneath my chin and our bodies pinned together. Her eyes quickly flick to something else.
I too peak up, unsure but certain it was going to be the man from before.

"Ahh, there you are." I exhale. It was my horse, chewing cud happily above us.

I shift myself, helping the woman to her feet, she limps slightly, I suspect a twisted ankle. She leans against me as I help her onto Rabbit; that was the name Grace had chosen for our plucky ride.

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