chapter 13

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Khushi's POV:

After that night I tried many time to have a conversation with Arnavji but I couldn't. Everything was getting back to normal. Di also started going to her chamber. Oh did I forget to mention? She is a lawyer by the way, a criminal lawyer. The good thing was she was getting normal.

But it seemed like nothing was going to be normal so soon with me. Apart from Arnavji the family members also behaved as if I was the sole reason because of whom everything happened. Well everyone except Anjaliji and nanheji, my best friend. And surprisingly mamiji didn't taunt me for anything. Mamiji never liked me and she is not someone who will let go such a golden opportunity of taunting me. But surprise surprise she didn't even taunt me for once. Let alone taunt she gave me a small smile every time she saw me. You have to be lucky to see such a rare smile from mamiji.

Arnav's POV

I was never very good with emotions and that was proven. But I knew if something happens to my di then I just get mad and I don't  see what's right and wrong and that was what happened that day.

Seeing di's condition I had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. I knew that Khushi wasn't to be blamed but another side of his mind was telling me that if that day Khushi was a bit more careful then maybe, just maybe all these wouldn't have occured. That day, for the first time after their marriage Khushi cried and I wasn't there to comfort her. Oh cut it, I was the one because of whom she was crying.

A month had passed after that incident and everything was getting back to normal except mine and Khushi's. relationship. I don't know what was keeping me away from her. Its just that whenever I used to see her my di's tear stickened and vulnerable face used to come infront of me and I would ignore her.

One day, I came back from office very late. But being late had become one of the most usual things. Today I was determined to talk with Khushi. Leaving my ego aside, I was going to ask her forgiveness. I know its not her fault. I mean like come on she didnt push di or something. I know I behaved like a jerk but I am sure she will understand my situation .

When I entered I didn't see Khushi waiting for me in the dining hall. That was unusual. I ignored the fact and came into the room. But Khushi wasn't in the room either. Where can she be that too this late? Moreover it was raining outside.

Changing into my night clothes I came out of the room in search of Khushi. I came to NK's room and asked if she was there. "Why do you care Arnav? All these days she was trying so hard to talk to you. You didn't even give her a glance. It would be better if she leaves the house leaving a pathetic man like you. But you know what it's night and I dont want anything to happen with her. So I am helping you to find her." Nk said to him.

This was the first time NK called him Arnav and not Nannav. Arnav was not in a mood of back answering plus he knew NK was partially right. And now finding Khushi was the main priority. They tried to find in the house without waking anyone up. Though they were successful in not waking anyone but she was found nowhere

The guard said that Khushi had left the house at some 11 pm and it was 12 now. I was about to scold the guard as he let her out at this wee hour but NK stopped me saying," Finding Khushi is more important now. So instead of scolding the guard please lets find her."

I was thinking where she might be at this hour. Her friend's house? No. Actually wait she might be in her best friend's house. And her best friend is devi maiyaa. She might be in the mandir.

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