chapter 23

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Ok thanks guys for your valuable opinions. So I will divide this into two seasons. Hopefully first season will end within 30 chapters. So let me stop my blabberings and continue the story. Enjoy....

ASR" Khushi again shouted from outside.

She thought to go from the poolside and check on him. She went to the poolside and luckily the door was opened. She entered inside and saw Arnav on the floor half lying. She ran towards him and sat before him. She patted his cheeks and said," ASR, ASR"

Arnav was unable to say anything. Khushi held him and tried to put him on the bed. He was too heavy for her to pull but still somehow managed.

"ASR, are you okay? What happened?" Khushi asked desperately. She could feel his skin getting colder with passing seconds. He was murmuring something unclear. So she put her face near his face to hear what he was saying.

" Ddd..aa.dai..." He was murmuring.

Khushi was getting restless as she couldn't make out what he was saying. Now what the hell was dai? Dahi? Dai? Dawai? Yes medicine. His medicine of diabetes.

"Your medicines? " Khushi asked but Arnav didn't say anything. His eyes were drooping.

"Surely his sugar level dropped." she thought to herself.

Khushi ran to his closet to get the medicine. She opened the drawer and shuffled through it in order to find his medicine. Finally she found his medicine box. First she took the machine which is used for measuring sugar level and indeed she was right. Now she had to give him the medicine but the problem was she didn't know which medicine he takes for his diabetes now and he was not in a state of saying. What if his medicines changed in this five years? She can't give him wrong medication in this state.

She felt helpless as she didn't know what to do. She can't let him die infront of her. Her mind became blank. "Arnavji stay with me. Don't close your eyes." she patted his cheeks.

Suddenly she remembered that she has chocolate in her pocket. She hurriedly took that out and and uncovered it from the wrapper. She made him open his mouth and put the chocolate in his mouth.

"ASR, this will help you to raise your sugar level. Don't close your eye. Please." Khushi said hovering over him.

Khushi made him eat the entire chocolate. She once read that chocolate is one of the best thing that increases sugar level. She rubbed his palm to make him warm. She suddenly remembered about his doctor. His number must be in his phone.

She was about to get up but she felt a pull on her hand which was held by Arnav. She looked at him and saw his eyes half open. He was murmuring something unclear. She put her head near his mouth.

"Dd...ont.. Lllea...vvve." He said.

"I am not leaving. Let me get your phone so I can call the doctor. I need to call the doctor na."

Khushi got his phone which was on the recliner. She brought it near him and took his hand and asked," which finger?"

Arnav raised his index finger but the problem was it was bleeding. Maybe it got cut with the glass. That finger won't do the work so she asked," password?"

Arnav still wasn't fully conscious so Khushi was still finding it difficult to understand what he was saying.

"Iiii..sssiisshkk.... " Khushi could only understand this much.

"Ishq? What type of password is this?" Khushi said to herself. Nevertheless she typed but it said the password was incorrect. After three attemps Khushi knew that it was not the password. If she tries more the phone will get locked.

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