S2: Episode 7 - The Avengers vs The Fantastic Four, Part 1

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Scene 1

The Avengers are all in the control center, staring at the screen with Nick Fury on it.

Tony: Alright give us the rundown, Director.

Nick Fury: SHIELD is currently investigating rumors of a corrupt secretive scientific organization.

Thor: How may we be of assistance?

Fury: That won't be necessary for this. I've sent Coulson and his agents to look into it. We'll contact you when we need some brute force.

Hope: Okay then. What else?

Fury: That's all we got for right now. We haven't tracked any crimes recently that are worthy enough for the Avengers' attention. Y'all have cleaned up New York.

Steve: Hmm. We may want to think about moving to somewhere that does need our help.

Natasha: California could certainly use it.

Clint: Wait, so there's really nothing for us to do.

Fury: At the moment, no. I suggest you...

Scott: Let me guess. You're suggesting that we go partying at some castle in Italy? Because that went so well the last time?

Fury: I'm suggesting you take some time and sort out any personal affairs you might have. Breaks like these are rare. Enjoy it.

The screen flickers and Nick Fury disappears.

Tony: Personal affairs? We don't have any personal affairs.

Natasha: Actually, we do. Clint and I have been monitoring him for a while, and we've discovered that Hulk's situation is getting worse.

Thor: Worse? The big guy has been sitting in the lab cell for months after he pounded the lava rock into the ground, and he has not turned back into Banner once. How could he be getting worse?

Natasha: Clint and I are no doctors, but we've done the best we can and we've discovered that we only have a little time left.

Steve: Time left to what?

Natasha: To turn him back into Bruce. There's a window, and once it's passed he'll be gone forever.

Tony: Okay. How long do we have?

Clint: A day, maybe less.

Tony: Okay, that is... wow. You really couldn't have given us a heads up a little sooner?

Natasha: We just found out about it.

Tony: Well, then. All hands on deck. We need to put our brains together to figure out a solution. And lucky for you, I have a giant brain.

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