Episode 1 - Pilot

109 9 5

Channel 99 logo plays.
Monkey Studios logo plays.
Marvel opening logo plays.
Avengers: Assemble intro plays.

Scene 1

Steve Rogers is pacing in his room, itching for something to distract him. Agent Phil Coulson walks in.

Agent Coulson: I heard you've been waiting for some action. Are you sure that's such a good idea? It's only been several days since you woke up.

Steve: I've already told you, Agent Coulson. I've told every one of you agents. I'm fine. I feel normal. Really. I just need something to distract me.

Coulson: Suit yourself. I'll get some agents to come and train with you until we find an assignment for you. Don't push yourself too hard. Waking up to a whole other world will faze anyone.

Steve: Got it. Thanks, agent.

Coulson: Anytime, Cap.

Scene 2

A giant portal appears, and Loki falls through it.

Loki: Earth. Now why would my brother come to hide here, in a place of such weakness. He will not be able to hide forever. Especially not in this place. I will destroy him and then claim the throne that is rightfully mine.

Loki laughs as he blows up cars and other objects around him with his scepter. People are screaming and running in a panic. The whole street is ruins, the only thing you can hear is the sound of destruction. Thor sees what is happening around him and steps out in the street, deciding to face Loki.

Thor: Stop! You want me? Come get me.

Thor spins his hammer and flies into the distance. Loki follows close behind. Thor flies down several blocks and stop when he reaches a dead end. Loki comes flying at him and right before he makes contact with his scepter, Thor side-steps him. Loki goes tumbling down the street and Thor goes the other direction. He looks back to see Loki getting up and loses focus. He flies into the window of Stark Tower. He stands up and picks a piece of glass from his skin. Tony Stark looks up from his desk and sighs.

Tony Stark: What are you doing in my tower?!
Thor: Sorry about the window - I lost focus. Anyways, I heard you had a defense system here.

Tony Stark: Yeah, I do. Why?

Loki is seen flying toward the Stark Tower.

Thor: That's why.

Tony Stark: Oh, dear. Jarvis!

Edwin Jarvis: Yes, sir?

Tony: Activate defense protocol. And get the Iron Man suit ready.

Jarvis: Right away, sir.

Thor: So you're Iron Man?

Tony: That's me.

Thor: Nice to meet you.

Thor holds out his hand. Tony looks at it.

Tony: I'm suing you for the damage you or this lunatic do to my tower.

Thor: Noted.

Missiles fly at Loki as he slowly approaches the Tower. He dodges them. Tony dons his Iron Man suit and when his helmet is placed on his head, he steps outside. Thor follows.

Loki: Ah, I see you made an ally, brother. I will make quick work of him.

Iron Man fires at Loki. He steps aside and laughs. Thor flies at him and they start to battle. Thor deflects the blows with his hammer, and Iron Man joins them. He gets a few blow on Loki, before Loki slams his scepter into the ground. Iron Man and Thor go flying. Iron Man's helmet flips open, revealing blood trickling down his face. Loki walks up to Thor and puts his scepter at Thor's throat. Right as he brings his scepter up to finish Thor, he is slammed to the ground.

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