Episode 10 - Thunder And Mischief

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Channel 99 logo plays.

Monkey Studios logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays.

Scene 1

Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, and Clint Barton sit at the table in the control center at the Avengers Mansion.

Steve: So, a quick recap: the Lava Men are gone, Hulk is unconscious, Natasha? Is that right?

Clint nods.

Steve: Natasha is also unconscious. Tony is recovering, and Loki is still out there with his magic sword.

Thor: That about wraps it up, yeah.

Hope: It's hardly time to celebrate.

Scott: She's right. The Lava Men were only a portion of the threat. So what happens now?

Clint: I have to go visit Natasha, see if she's okay.

Hope: Rick is already at the hospital with her, and he said he would let you know if anything changed.

Clint: I know, but I have to be with her. I can't fight with you guys. I mean, it was nice that you put me and Natasha in your system and included us in the Avengers thing, but it's just not for me. Not now anyway.

Steve nods and Clint walks over to the elevator and disappears up it.

Tony: Welp, that's one down. It seems that there's always people walking out on us, doesn't it?

Steve turns on Tony.

Steve: Maybe it's because you're not a good teammate.

Tony shrugs.

Tony: Maybe, but I don't think so. I think it might have more to do with you, actually.

Hope: Guys, stop. We've been over this, and we have bigger things to worry about.

Scott: She's right. We have to find Loki before he makes his move.

Thor: I think he just made his move...

Tony, Steve, Scott, and Hope look over at Thor, then follow his gaze to the screen above them where Loki is standing, giving a message to the city.

Steve: Is this live?

Tony: Yeah, it is.

Tony turns the volume up and they listen.

Loki: ...this is your one chance to pledge your loyalty to me. If not, you will perish, along with everyone else in the city who does not comply by my new rules. You will all bow to me before long.

Avengers: Assemble intro plays.

Scene 2

The Avengers fly toward the location where Loki made his broadcast and he is still standing there, smiling at them. Captain America and Ant-Man ride in on motorcycles as Iron Man, Thor, and Wasp land on the ground. They regroup and stand together in a line facing Loki.

Loki: The Avengers. I knew you'd show up eventually.

Iron Man: Likewise.

Thor: Surrender now, brother, or we will take you down.

Loki: Surrendering would ruin everything I have in store for this city. See now, the citizens of this city are relying on the Avengers to save them. But once they realize that the Avengers have been beaten, they will come to me.

Thor: And your goal is what? To control the city? This is a little small for you, don't you think?

Loki: Certainly. But this city is only the first on my list. Very soon, all of Midgard will be mine.

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