S2: Episode 4 - The Castle of Count Nefaria, Part 2

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Monkey Studios logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays.

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Scene 1

"Previously on Avengers: Assemble..."

Flying robots circle around the Avengers in a warehouse. A picture of the robot appears on Tony's computer along with the text: Property of Maggia.

Tony: A crime organization in Italy. Hmm.

A servant boy walks up to a man in a royal cloak.

Servant: And the Avengers, sir? What about them?

Royal man: Tell them not to worry about the Avengers. I will take care of them personally. I have the perfect plan that will bring the Avengers right to me. And also, right to their doom!

The Avengers follow a Maggia man in a car chase.

Black Widow: I can't believe Tony doesn't even trust us to drive a car.

The Avengers are sitting around the long table in the control center. Nick Fury is on the big screen.

Fury: You've received an invitation from Count Nefaria, the head of a rich and royal family in Italy, to come to a party he is having at his castle.

Hope: And you think we should attend? Usually those invitations don't even reach us.

Fury: I think it would be beneficial. Besides, the Maggia are primarily based in Italy. Have fun at the party, but while you're in the city I suggest you investigate a little.

Thor: Alright! We're going to a party.

The Avengers walk into the castle and the party kicks off. They are instantly at the center of attention and are putting away as many drinks as they possibly can.

Thor laughs heartily.

Thor: I'm getting so drunk, and I can't even get drunk!

Everyone else laughs and the party continues. Soon, all of the Avengers end up in one of the rooms in the castle and pass out completely.

Count Nefaria walks into the room where the Avengers lay unconscious.

Nefaria: My, did they have too much fun. Eh, all the better for me I guess.

Nefaria pulls out some syringes and plunges them one by one into the arms of the Avengers.

Nefaria: Perfect. The final piece I needed for my plan is accounted for. Now, time to put it into motion.

A TV shows the Avengers raiding a government facility.

Tony (on the TV screen): ...we are planning to seize control of the United States.

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