S2: Episode 3 - The Castle of Count Nefaria, Part 1

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Monkey Studios logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays.

Marvel Studios opening logo plays

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Scene 1

"Previously on Avengers: Assemble..."

Flying robots circle around the Avengers in a warehouse. A picture of the robot appears on Tony's computer along with the text: Property of Maggia.

Tony: A crime organization in Italy. Hmm.

Iron Man busts down a door and points his palm at a Maggia man.

Maggia man: The people I report to don't like loose ends.

Iron Man: Who do you report to?

The Maggia man shoots a gun at Iron Man, but the bullet bounces off his armor.

Maggia man: I... I can't. The people I report to... they can do much more harm to me than you can.

The Avengers are back in the control center, with Fury on the screen.

Fury: So, a crime organization called Maggia.

A servant boy walks up to a man in a royal cloak.

Servant: And the Avengers, sir? What about them?

Royal man: Tell them not to worry about the Avengers. I will take care of them personally. I have the perfect plan that will bring the Avengers right to me. And also, right to their doom!

Avengers: Assemble intro plays.

Scene 2

A Maggia man is speeding down the road in a car, with another car catching up quickly from behind it. In the following car, Captain America is driving with Black Widow in the passenger seat and Hawkeye in the back.

Black Widow: I can't believe Tony doesn't even trust us to drive a car.

Hawkeye: We did lock him up in his own cell. Besides, we're still new members. He has a right to be skeptical.

Captain America: Tony's a complicated guy. His trust isn't earned easily, and it's lost pretty quickly.

Hawkeye: So how did you gain his trust?

Captain America: You just have to prove that you're on his side. Don't try sucking up or anything, it'll only make it worse. Just be part of the team, and you'll get there.

They speed after the Maggia car, and the Maggia car turns a sharp corner only to slam on brakes. In front of the car hovers Iron Man and Thor. Thor drags the man out of the car.

Thor: Gotcha. Man, I've missed this!

Maggia man: What are you doing? Let go of me!

Iron Man: No can do. We need you to tell us everything you can about Maggia.

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