Episode 9 - The Lava Rock

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Marvel Studios opening logo plays.

Scene 1

Loki is leaning back in his chair, watching Thor being overwhelmed by Lava Men and Hulk running toward the Living Rock with anger in his eyes. Loki turns toward his prisoners, Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne.

Loki: It's only a matter of time now. The combustion of the Living Rock will destroy the city, and it will be mine for the taking. Not even my brother Thor, the king of Asgard, can survive that.

Hope: Why is Hulk running toward the rock like that? Why does he want to destroy it?

Loki smiles coldly.

Loki: You really have no idea, do you? I'm the one who turned Hulk into the angry mess he is now. I spoke to him, convinced him of things that he already suspected. And I've told him that the giant rock he's about to break is the source of all his troubles. That way, I can't lose.

Scott: So it was you all along?

Loki: All of it. I've been the source of all your troubles from the beginning. And that's why I can't lose. I know all of you better than you know yourselves. It's only a matter of time now before I get what I want.

Avengers: Assemble intro plays.

Scene 2

Captain America rolls over and groans. He touches the part of his head that he hit when Iron Man had crashed into him. Then he stands up and walks over to where Namor, who had been overcome by Thor, is laying. He kneels beside him.

Captain America: Are you okay?

Namor: Yeah, I'm good.

Namor concentrates and water flows across his body, healing his wounds.

Namor: Let's go after Iron Man and Thor and end this.

Captain America: No. Even if we could find where they went, there's no guarantee we'd be able to stop them. There are more important things to fight. We need to find Loki.

Namor: Isn't that what Iron Man and Thor were trying to do? Track Loki?

Captain America: Yes, that's why they were here. To activate the tracker that was put on Loki. But that was never going to work. Loki is too smart to keep a tracker on himself. He probably lured Iron Man and Thor somewhere different, and is hiding out in his own bunker somewhere.

Namor: Okay, but where?

Captain America: I'm not sure, but knowing Loki, it would have to be somewhere out of the city so he could be out of harm's way.

Namor: That could be anywhere in the world.

Captain America: There must be some way to narrow it down.

Namor: Actually, I have an idea.

Scene 3

Thor spins his hammer into dozens and dozens of Lava Men, crossing the area to where Iron Man lay in the lava. Thor grabs Iron Man out of the lava and sets him to the side, checking on him. His armor had taken most of the blow, but Iron Man was still too injured to carry on. Thor had been headed for the entrance tunnel to the Lava Men base, but saw from the corner of his eye a bigger threat. It was Hulk, running toward the rock, with three other people running after him.

Thor: Stop him!

Thor flies toward Hulk to stop him himself, but a Lava Man crashes into him. Thor raises his hammer to strike, but the Lava Man does something strange. He starts covering Thor in lava, which doesn't hurt him, but there's something different about the lava. It is starting to dry, and very quickly. Thor realizes that he can't move and tries desperately to free himself, but the lava only holds him in place more.

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