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We make it to the hospital and I run in leaving Oikawa behind going to Akiko's room.

"Akiko!" I yell running into her room seeing her talk to Iwazumi. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew you would be okay. God you scared me, I love you so much," I tell her moving Iwazumi out of the way.

"Haha, oh y/n. I'm okay, just chilling in the hospital. There's also no need to push away my boyfriend!" She laughs.

"Oops sorry," I apologize to Iwazumi taking a step back. I see that Iwazumi still has a large smile on his face and I give him a hug. "I told you she would make it," I let go of the hug and pull up another chair next to her.

"Y/n, Y/n! You need to stop leaving me," Oikawa yells running in the room seeing Akiko is okay. "Oh Akiko, i'm happy you are okay. These two guys love you so much," He tells her. "I'm also happy you are good of course," He adds.

"Oh Oikawa, so catch me up on everything," She laughs again. It's great to see her okay and back to her normal self.

"Oh Akiko, Oikawa was trying to start a war with our fan clubs today all because I left him in the car,"

"That's not the case, but that was mean. You worry too much, yet you didn't worry when you invited me to your house," He says then immediately covering his mouth. Iwazumi and Akiko turn there heads to face me and I blush.

"It's not what you think, I just didn't want to be alone. I was kind of scared," I admit covering my face. Oikawa walks over to me and gives me a hug.

When I then feel more arms wrapping around me and I realize it's Akiko and Iwazumi too. "You guys, i'm not super lovey so let's cut this out," I laugh punching Oikawa in the arm.

"Ow why me?"

"You're a easy target," I chuckle leaning back in my chair. I talk more with Akiko and tell her about Ushi a bit too. Oikawa and Iwazumi talk about volleyball and how he has to go back tomorrow.

RING RING! I get a call from my dad and answer.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Where are you? Are you coming home?"

"Oh i'm visiting a friend why?"

"Your grandma is out with some more friends and I need you to pick up your brother,"

"Okay, i'll take the bus now. Do I need to get him some food also?"

"Yes, can you?"

"Sure, okay bye," I hang up and go to grab my bag.

"Sorry Akiko, I have to make the next bus, something came up. I love you, and hopefully you will be back in school soon," I go up to her and hug her. Then I grab my bag and walk away.

"Y/n wait up, you won't make the next bus. Let me drive you,"

"It's fine Oikawa, I will make it. You are always driving me these days I need to do things on my own,"

"It isn't a big deal, now come on,"

"But-" I start.

"Let's go, stop being so stubborn all the time, even though that face is cute," He adds grabbing my hand and dragging me to his car. I give him the address and we go to pick up my brother from his friends house.

"You wait here, i'll go up and get him,"

"I want to come too! Please," Oikawa begged.

"Fine, just let me talk," I sigh and go up to the door knocking. A young women opens it and I give her a kind smile. "Hi, i'm here to pick up Haru,"

"Oh yeah, hey you are y/n right?" She asks, and I notice she is wearing our school uniform.

"Yeah, haha!"

"Wow! You are so cool!" She tells me, pulling me into a hug.

"Not really, thanks though,"

"Oikawa is here too! Oikawa come in! I can make food!" She tells him grabbing him from the hand and starting to pull him in the house. He stands still and doesn't move.

"Sorry, i'm here with y/n and she has to pick up her brother," He tells her putting on his classic smile.

"Y/n!" My brother comes running up to me and giving me a big hug.

"Hi Haru!" I ruffle his hair and pick him up. "Thanks for watching him, we should go. Bye!" I put him back down and we all start to walk to Oikawa's car. I help buckle Haru in and Oikawa starts to drive.

"This is a different car from yesterday," Haru mentions.

"Different car, why did you ride in your dads or something?" Oikawa asks with a little attitude in his voice.

"No, it was one of y/n's other boy friends," He tells him then laughing. I see Oikawa grip the stearing wheel.

"Oikawa, he's kidding. Anyway it's not like i'm dating anyone," I tell him hoping he would calm down. I didn't know why he got so mad at another guy driving me home.

"So I was a second choice last night?" He asks cruelly. 

"What, no!" I place my hand on his on the stearing wheel. Then I immediately pull it away. "Sorry," I whisper under my breath. He then lessens his grip and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers together. "Oikawa,"

"Stop calling me that, call me Tõru or some nickname," He grunts tightening his grip in my hand.

"Oh, um I guess i'll just call you Tõru for now," I tell him, looking back at my brother who is smiling happily. I look down at our hand and try to loosen my grip but Oikawa just holds on. "Let's go there," I point to a restaurant and Oikawa goes to find a parking space near.

"Here we are! Why don't you get Haru out and I will wait for you," Tõru tells me.

"Okay," I let go of his hand and go out to get Haru.

"I like Tõru!" Haru tells me with a large smile.

"You have to call him Oikawa," I remind him.

"It's okay, I don't mind," He tells Haru, picking him up and placing him on his waist.

"Y/n is that you?" A voice asks and I turn around realizing it is one person I could go about not seeing right now.

"Oh hey Ushi!" I turn to walk towards him.

"So I guess the rumors I have been hearing are true, you and Shittykawa are together," Ushi tells me giving a death stare to Tõru.

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