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"It's nothing," I tell him now looking out the window.

"You haven't really mentioned her," He tells me, like he is putting the pieces together.

"Whatever, i'm taking a nap," I turn my body the other way and close my eyes, praying I will fall asleep.

I look over and notice that she's fallen fast asleep. I never really put two and two together about her mom. She never really talked about her but I just figured they were fighting. It sounded like her grandma could be a little annoying though. Both of my parents were in my life and in love with each other so I never had to have a problem like that.

I turned on some music, but put it on low volume. I was happy I was able to ride with y/n but why?
I had the chance to truly have any girl, the most popular girl. Yet here I was enjoying the fact that I was next to y/n. She seemed so much different than the other girls, the ones who confessed there love for me and bought me gifts. They never really knew me, just the image of me. But y/n was learning about the true me, the silly me you could say.

I decided to stop thinking about it and continue to drive. I turned the volume up a little louder and focused on the music.

The nap I had was not very comfortable but that wasn't a huge deal.

"Are we almost home?" I ask Oikawa turning back over to look at him.

"Yeah, like ten minutes. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Oh shut up," I actually slept okay last night. I wasn't able to stretch out all crazy like though.

I finally saw my neighborhood come into view and sat up. "Do you have my address programmed into your car?" I asked.

"No my phone, just for when I need to drive you home. Like today,"

"Okay, I guess i'll let this slide," We pull up to my house and I hop out of the car grabbing my bags.

"We'll see you tomorrow," I yell at him running to my house.

"There you are, i'm running late," My grandma tells me running out the door. I come back inside and see my younger brother watching tv.

"Hey!" I tell him and he comes running up.

"You're home! You're home!" He repeats jumping up and down.

"Yes, are you hungry?" I ask him and he nods. I bring my suitcases up to my room and make a simple dinner for us. He tells me about how school has been lately and some of the sewing projects our grandma has been doing. He is always so happy and greatful. He truly was like a perfect child.

"Time for bed," I pick him up and help him get all ready. Then tucking him into bed and giving him a kiss on the forehead. I used to do it all the time when I lived with just my dad and him.

I walked back to my room and got ready myself. I decided to look at the pictures I took during this weekend. I noticed some with Akiko and I. There were also a few of Tendõ, but a lot of the beach and just views. I scrolled and found the one of Oikawa eating crazy and just laughed. I set my alarm and went back to bed.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. This weekend was great and i'm very sad it ended. I had so much fun besides getting hurt. But in the end the fun overpowered the time I got hurt.

I walk to school and notice a group of people standing together and talking about me. I just ignored it and continued walking. It was probably about my injured foot or something. Once I make it to class I sat down and opened up my book.

"Y/n" Oikawa mentions walking up to me.

"Oh hey," I tell him noticing some more people talking and staring at me. I just try to ignore and look at my work. Soon class starts and it's time to focus. I catch a few people staring but not as much. I didn't see Akiko this morning so i'm wishing I see her during break.

I look around for her during break, but she is nowhere to be found. I then find a bench and sit down, feeling more stares.

One of the girls from Oikawa's fan club in my class comes up to me.

"Wow you truly are disgusting!" She laughs.

"What do you mean, i'm just eating," I tell her very confused at what's going on.

"Do you not have a phone, look," She turns her phone facing me and I notice the photo that the one boy asked to take with me.

"Oh what about it?"

"Look at the caption," I read it and it says "She was easy, don't recommend though lol,".

"What is that supposed to mean? Nothing happened,"

"Sure," The girl walks off laughing. I get up walking to the bathroom when I hear a few more people swearing at me and calling me a slut. I start to feel tears slowly falling from my face. But I push them away, I have to be strong.

"Y/n are you okay?" Oikawa asks running up to me.

"Just leave me alone, I can't do this,"

"What? What happened?"

"I can't hang out with you anymore," I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. Allowing some more tears to stream down my face.

Oikawa X Reader/ You're Special Where stories live. Discover now