𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔

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"Wait what?" I ask Iwazumi on the phone.

"She is in the hospital, she got ran over by a car and isn't doing well," He tells me sadly.

"Um when, why didn't you call me sooner? Where is she?"

"Where are you right now?" Iwazumi questions me.

"At the park by the corner cafe,"

"I'm going to pick you up, are you okay with missing school?"

"Yeah, just come soon," I hang up and start to clean up. I text my dad telling him i'm missing today because I feel ill and my ankle isn't doing well. He texts back saying that's fine but not to forget about my brother.

I soon see Iwazumi's car and hop in the front. We sit in silence and go into the hospital together requesting to see Akiko. I notice her parents there crying and I go to talk to them. They tell me how she was walking and a drunk driver came and hit her.

She was in critical condition at the moment and didn't know if she would make it out alive.
Iwazumi sits in the room with her for a while, I catch tears fall from his face and some from mine. I try to not fully think about what's going on and walk around the hospital. I didn't want to think about losing my best friend. I get a snack and go back to looking around. Finally I head back to the room to see Akiko.

"Hey, I heard what happened and I miss you. I know that fighting seems hard right now, but I know you can do it. You will make it out of this, you're strong and funny. Iwazumi needs you, your parents, me and more. I love you," I tell her, just sitting next to her. I sit for a while just thinking about how lucky I am to meet her and how we were able to just click right away. I text Ushi and tell him about what happened.

TO USHI: Akiko is in the hospital, she got hit in a car crash and it's bad.

TO Y/N: I'm sorry to hear that, would you like to meet up?
I then remembered about how I had to pick up my brother soon.

TO USHI: Can you pick me up at the hospital closest to my school? I need to pick up my brother soon,

TO Y/N: Yes, i'm leaving class early and i'm on the way. 

"Iwazumi, I have to go," I tell him giving him a hug.

"Okay, I will let you know what we hear,"

"She loves you a lot," I remind him, running off to the front.

I notice Ushi's car and jump right in.

"How are you?" Ushi asks me.

"Getting through, thank you for helping me out," I thank him.

"Anytime, I didn't have practice today so it was easy. Just put in the address and we can go. Your grandma and father are both out right?"

"Yeah, just me and Haru,"

"Why don't we stop and pick up something for dinner too? I doubt you are in the mood to cook,"

"That sounds good but I don't have any money on me,"

"It's okay, I don't mind paying. We are here, i'll wait in the car,"

School is out and Iwazumi told me something happened with Akiko but that's it. Y/n didn't come to school either and she wasn't answering my texts. Coach let us out of practice a little early and I call Iwazumi.

"Hey are you okay, what happened with Akiko?"

"She is sick in the hospital, they don't know if she's going to make it," He tells me with a sad voice.

"Are you okay, do you want to meet up?" I ask him.

"No, i'm going home and getting some rest,"

"Is y/n still there?"

"No, she had to go home,"

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow and it's going to be okay she's strong,"

"Yeah," He hangs up and I drive home.

We arrive back at my house and I invite Ushi in to eat with us.

"Haru, don't forget to say thank you to my friend," I remind him.

"That's not your friend," He tells me.

"Yes he is silly," I ruffle his hair and fix his plate. Ushi sits down next to me and we start to eat.

"No, he doesn't look like the other guy,"

"I have two friends," I tell him.

"Whose the other guy?" Ushi asks.

"Oh one time Oikawa dropped me off and met him. It's not a big deal," I tell Ushi. We finish up dinner and Ushi leaves. I thank him again for the meal. I help get Haru to bed and all the emotions from seeing my best friend in a bad condition comes back to me.

I start to sob and I can't stop. I don't want to be alone tonight and I start to think about who I can see. I can't ask Ushi since he was just here and I decide on Oikawa. Before I can really think about it I send him a text saying how I don't want to be alone.
He leaves me on read and I cry some more, realizing I was going to be alone and I was stupid. I hear my grandma come in and I quiet my crying so she won't get mad.

I soon start to hear banging from my window and go to look to see what's hitting it. I soon realize  someone is throwing something at it.

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