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A|N.. Hey so before I let y'all read, I did a little thinking and decided to change the title of my book that was once Buttercup Angel is now Forever My Angel. No hate please.  Now proceed on reading...


Four months later

Hearing the ocean waves crash against the huge rocks just down below in a soft motion as the sun began to set in the horizon. The same soft cries of the grasshoppers were faintly heard as the cool evening breeze swept through my midnight black hair messing it up a bit.

Looking down, Tris had his head on my lap with his eyes shut. He looked so peaceful and at ease. From the corner of his jaws, you could literally see the stubble he's trying to grow for nearly a week now.

He had said he wanted to look like an actual man. Not that he's already a man but a real man has beard and without beard than your nobody. His words not mine. Though I still don't understand, so don't ask me cause I'll just give you a dumb look in return.

"You know I can feel you staring at me like a creep you are". His eyes opened as he looked up at me with a smirk.

My thoughts snapped as my jaws dropped in shock. I quickly shoved his head off my lap which followed with a painfull punch to his shoulders.

"I wasn't staring at you. What makes you think I'll stare at your ugly fat face and I'm no creep you uncivilized pest". I glared at him.

It didn't take him that long before he was head bent on laughing his ugly arse off like an actual maniac with no care in the world.

"Ohh you think this is funny, wait till I push you off the cliff or run you over with my black baby jeep". Folding my arms infront of my chest I smirk at him when his laugh comes to an end quickly.

"Your not serious right now, are you?" His eyes widened like saucers.

Mustering up my best poker face, I raised both my eyebrows. "Stop testing my patients here Tristan Andersons".

"Haha! That's not even funny. Try again next time". He laughs in my face as he lays his head on my lap. My jaw once again drops open as I stare down at his gorgeous ugly face.

"Oh and before I forget. I'm sorry I said that, I was only kidding". He looks up at me with sincere.

"Your so mean sometimes ". A small smile makes its way up my lips. "Sometimes?" He repeats as he looks at me.

"Shoot!! I mean everytime ". I smirk down at him as he pouts at me like a baby. I chuckle softly as I run my hands through his dark brown almost black hair.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask softly whilst staring into his hazel eyes. He was quiet for awhile before staring up at me.

"How lucky I am to have you back in my life the second time around". He says slowly. I smile at his words.

"You know, that day would forever replay its self in my head". He looks at me with a sigh. I message his hair as I look out towards the ocean.

"When you first came back, I acted like I didn't know who you were. I tried to stay away from you but you were like a magnet pulling me closer to you. I never wanted to know anything about you since the day our friendship was over. I remember the day Annie and Andrew told me that something bad had happened to you but I brushed them off not wanting to hear one single bit of it.

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