Chapter 13

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Soon as we stepped through the door, dad was already by my side as he helped guided  me to the sitting rooom. "Are you okay sweety?" He voiced out his concerned. Gulping down the water Annie gave, I looked at my dad and nodded as Reese and Skylar dashed into the room hugging me.

I returned their hug immediately not wanting to let go just yet, but I had to pull away some time. I gave them a knowing look as their face expression went rigid, the same feeling came over me when my mind tried to comprehend the possible thought.

"Do you wanna talk about it"? Dad asked shortly breaking the silence. I felt exhausted and tired. I want nothing but to have a goodnights rest.

"No, not now. I will tell you all but not now. I'm tired, I just wanna sleep. Please". I begged looking at everyone in here. My dad nodded as I stood up excused myself and strode up to my room quietly. The dim lights were on as I shut the door behind me. I strode pass the bean bag and headed straight for the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I strip off of my clothes and stepped under the warm water cascading down through my hair and down my body. It started to get  foggy in here with the steam trapped in here. Shutting my eyelids, I began messaging my hair softly trying to soothe the faint ache. However, my mind wouldn't give in, Tristan's face came rushing into my head.
What was he doing there? Better yet, how did he know I would be there.

The very next day, I was the first up as I sat on the front porch with a mug in my hand as a familiar black jeep came up the drive way and stopped. The passenger door swung open as his face came into view stealing my breath away for a quick second.

I ripped my face off of any emotions as I watched questioning, he strode up smoothly over the cement like he owned it. "Thankyou Tristan about.... yesterday". I said as he came and stood leaning against the barrier of  the varenda. With a quart node, I eyed his appearance.

Dark navy blue jeans framing his tall figure, black tee loosely hanging down in a swag manner on his probably fit body, his dark brown hair was messy but it sure as hell made him look so damn attractive today. But no way am I telling him that.

"Take a picture, it lasts long". He said dryly snapping me out of my thoughts. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat. "What are you doing here, so early ". I took a sip of coffee from the mug. "What are you doing today ?" He asked. "Uhh probably do some studying"? I questioned myself not sure if that's what I really want to do.

"So it obviously means your free today". Tristan raised his eyebrows. Not sure what he means, I tried to defend myself.  "Think you heard me wrong, I've got school work to do". I stood my ground challenging him. "Sure you do". He smirked.

Holy pepperoni flying pig!!! He smirked!!! Dayyym that was just dayyym!!!

"In fact I've got alot to do if you'll excuses me". I moved for the door but he beat me to it as he blocked the entry. "Move aside Tristan". I glared up into his hazel eyes that watched me carefully as I tried to hide my beating heart.

"Why not Tristan, move aside".

I shoved at his chest but to my disappointment, he didnt budge. I stared up into his hazel eyes as he did too. I glared did everything I could think off, but again he cornered me. Frustrated I threw my hands up into thin air in annoyance. "Fine okay, why are you asking if I'm free?" I challenged.

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