Chapter 10...

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[ Chapter ten ]

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[ Chapter ten ]

"Mom, nice". I mumbled with a straight face. I observed the surroundings around me taking it all in. Deep down, something was missing but I just couldn't put my hand on it. I walked in further and noticed a oval mirror that hung on the wall before the stairs.

I stopped infront of it to check my appearance. However, my eyes had widen as a gasp escaped from my parted lips.

My pale face looked horrid as it stared back at me. I noticed my eyes, they were also a pale green looking back at me. My hair was all tangled  up in a bun at the top of my head . I didn't recognize myself, I hardly remember a thing.

I don't even know the woman in there, though, she claims to be my mother. This feels so unreal. The lady, I mean my mother, she's so kind and different but in a good way. "Welcome back home sweety". A man's voice called out from the stairs taking me by suprice.

I looked up and noticed a guy with blond  hair, grey eyes and a bit of beard growing at the tip of his chin. He looked to be around the same age as my mom. Wait, is

He was infront of me as he pulled me into a bear hug and a chuckle escaped his lips. "It's me kiddo, remember ". He said, I kept my hands to my side not knowing what to do. My eyes searched the room with fear looking for my mom.

In a blink of an eye, scenarios changed.

My panting got caught in my lungs  aggressive as I struggled to breathe, the air around me felt too suffocated.  My stomach was aching badly wanting to explode with sharp pains slicing through my flesh like knives. My head was the worst, I felt the whole world spinning as sharp piercing knives drove through my head. My sight was blurry, hot wet tears drained my face as my hair began sticking to my skin like a second skin.

I cried out in fear as the pain repeated. Another punch landed on stomach as I cried out in agony . I begged and pleaded for him too stop but he laughed as he continued assaulting me. "Your nothing but a bitch.  A fucking bitch and you always will  be". He laughed as he kept sending punches to my stomach.

I slowed down thrashing in his grip, I could feel my body gaining consciousness as I slipped in and out of darkness. With one last punch sent to my stomach, my body was so weak that I could not move anymore . Nor could I even move a muscul  or a strand of my own hair.

I felt his disgusting hands hold me up as he dragged me up the stairs and into a room which I assume was mine. The bed came in contact with my body roughly. The last thing I heard was the slam of my door before darkness soon took me under it's wings.

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