Chapter 19

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Unlocking the front door opened, I got on my tippy toes and prayed nothing happened as I made my way inside quietly as I could. Mom was out as usual working late. David was passed out on the couch with the TV still rambling on loudly.

The house is dead on silent as I tip toed past the sitting room and straight for the stairs. Three steps up and the flooring creaked under my weight as I let a profanity standing still.

His snoring continued which means he didn't hear one single thing. Crossing my hands, I tried to avoid the flooring with creaking noise but failed miserably when I got to the last stairs at the top. I heard him groan in annoyance as I ran to my room locking the door behind me.

My heart danced in my chest as I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs and his shouts. Panic raised in my blood as I tried to look for an escape. Window?

Moving towards my window, I was shock to find it lock again. That peace of shit must have done it again. Seconds later, he was banging on my door in a animalistic way.

"Where have you been Bitch? Open up this fucking door or I'm gonna break it down". He threatened on the other side.

My palms got sweaty as I began shaking in fear. The last time he was in my room, after beating me to a pulp, he nearly...... no I will not think about it.

Ignoring the angry shouts coming from him, I concentrated on how to unlock the window. Maybe I should just break the window.

Grabbing the chair quickly in my shaking hands, I stood infront of the window. Okay there's no turning back from here.

I was to concentrated on breaking and escaping through the window when I didn't hear the keys jingle from outside, before I had time to process everything, the door flew open roughly as he stalked into my room knocking me down by my head.

"I warned you bitch". He sneered in my ears before banging my face into the carpeted floor. A sharp boozing pain ran up my face as I felt a hot substance coming out of my nostrils.

I could hear his laughter feel the atmosphere in here. That only showed his amusement seeing my weak body lay here on the floor helplessly.

"Where the fuck did you take those bloody twins too?" He sent a strong kick to my guts as I spat the blood out on the carpet due to the impact.

Rolling over, I held a hand over my stomach tryna make the pain disappear as I let out a cry of protest.

"They're spending the weekend with grandma and grandpa, thought you knew that". I counter back with a dry sense of humour.

That seemed to have angered him as he kicked my in the stomach much harder. I couldn't stop the tears trickling down my cheeks whilst letting out a muffled scream.

"Don't try to act smart bitch. Why didn't you come home right away". He kicked me again as all the energy in me began to fade away.

My silence motivated him to send another kick to my guts again.

"Oh so you were out pleasuring your little boyfriend. Is that it, ohh your such a whore". He chuckled as he kicked me one last time before leaving me behind as he slammed my room door in the process.

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