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After we had drove off, the air was so thick of awkward silence minus the soft music in the background. We never uttered a word till we came and stopped infront on the cinema. "Wouldn't hurt to watch a movie, ahh Angeline?" He sent me a challenging look as he got out of the jeep. Without much of a sigh, I followed after him.

I was surprised when Tristan got tickets for the Hand Game. Last of the Marvel film I was dying to watch for awhile now. Well technically, not last but uhh yeah whatever.  Standing in line, we bought junk food and headed into the theater room. I wasn't surprise when every seat was all occupied by Marvel fans.

Finding our seat, we sat down as the light were switched off. I hid my excitement with a small smile when I felt a nudge on my side. Turning my head to Tristan in annoyance he smiled innocently. "What?" I hissed at him. "Wha-what?" He faked innocent gazing up to the screen. Sending him a glare, I turned back putting all my full attention to the screen.

"Oh my goodness! Why did Scarlett Johnson sacrifice herself. I like the ending but its not satisfying. They're good people, why did they have to die. They risk their lives for the people, I get it. But....but urgg". I tugged on my hair as Tristan laughed loudly, he  pulled out and drove off.

"Okay stop over thinking, its just a movie".

"Just a movie, are you even hearing what your saying. Your mad". I cut him off with a glare.

His chuckled warmed my heart as an unfamiliar feeling washed over me. Why is he being good too me today?  The question lingered in my head.

Twenty minutes later, we drove through KMC ordering our food. "You know, I can pay for myself. Right". I looked at him with a sigh. "I know". He shrugged his shoulders while waiting for our order to arrive. "Then you should had least let me pay. I hadn't payed for anything today, it just doesn't feel right, yah know". I admitted.

Thanking the ladies, I took the food. Tristan drove out but didn't take the route to where I live. It was already afternoon as we drove past gas stations. Nothing but trees were all I can see. "Where are we going?" I glanced at him nervously. "Somewhere no one knows". He brushed me of.

My heart picked up, my palms began to get damp as I rubbed it against the leggings. "What do you mean, wait don't answer. Is this the part where you tricked me, fool me, you lured me in thinking your a good guy, I'd believe every word you say and follow you to your hideout. Without much of a thought, you turn around and kill me. Is that it". I narrowed my eyes as he looks at me with amusement dancing in his damn beautiful hazel eyes. Seconds later he starts laughing while he turns right into the dirt road.

"You think this is funny?" I said aggressively.

"To ease your mind, if I wanted you dead, I would have done that the first time I picked yous up at the airport". He glanced at me sideways before pivoting his gaze back to the road.

I jumped in my seat as the tyre of the jeep went over rough stones that layed on the road. We left dust in our track as the jeep went further into the woods.

"And to calm your nerves, I'm not going to kill or do anything to you. I'll drop you home afterwards". He whispered out keeping his gaze infront.

A nervous feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I leaned back into my seat gazing out of the window. Nothing but trees was all I could see. As we went in further, there was a clearing up infront. The jeep came to an halt, without much of a thought, I swung the door open as I stepped out.

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