Chapter 3...

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Hours later of helping the twins to unpack, I  was already exhausted. Lucky for me, Annie and Andrew decided to help us out seeing they had nothing to do. They we're so much of help.

"So..Do you like your rooms so far. I know it's all plain but if you wanna add colours to the walls or anything it's fine by me. Feel free to do anything seeing this is your rooms from now on."

We all sat around the dinner table as my father spoke.

"It's so cool and big. Thankyou Mr. Mc'David..."

" Call me Stevie and your welcome Reese." My father had cut Reese off smiling down at him.

I'm glad Reese remembered his manners though.

"Umm..Is your room okay Angeline." Hearing the sound of my name, I glance up at him. "Uhh...oh yeah. It's fine..Thanks." I cleared my throat.

"Are you done unpacking or not yet?" He continued the conversation before chewing on his food.

"Not quite done yet." I answered honestly.

I tried to lie but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Whenever I do tell a lie, I feel this kind of guilt swallowing me up and disposing me in a black tunnel.

"I'll help you after dinner." Annie pipped in. "It's fine.. you've helped enough." I said quickly.

"Shush!!! I want too, okay." She chuckled.

"Okay..Thanks." I murmured.. 

I let her help me because I was starting to get tired. Had a long day and I need all the rest there is to get up for school tomorrow.

Great!! A new school.


"Wow!" I exclaimed looking out the window as Andrew swirved the Ford into a free spot in the parking lot. This isn't what I was expecting of my new school to look like.

Where the parking lot ended is a huge open area where students we're sprawled out chatting and laughing while infront of them stood a massive castle that looked like it had about three to four floors.

You clearly heard me... My new school wasn't like the one I attended before or like any other school's in the State... It was a freaking castle.

My school is a freaking castle!

Annie had an amused look on her face. "Are you guys sure this is even a school?" I asked dumbfounded.  "Welcome to Golden Gates High School." Andrew dramatically gestured bowing infront of me with a smirk.

"Really!! I thought you'd only find this type of castle school's in England. " I gazed up as we slowly strolled up the lawn.

I can feel the gazes of students on us...Me..especially.

"Well welcome to Portland baby sister." They both said in unison. That made me stop dead on my tracks as I stared at both of them before a grin took over.

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