Chapter 9...

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The bell rang as I stood up and gladly made my way out of my last class of the day. I was exhausted as I punch in the codes and got the books I needed for the weekend.  While doing so I tried as much as possible to block out the harsh whispers and gossip suffocating me.

There was nothing I could do to tell them to shut the hell up and keep their noses in their own business and not to shove it in others. Its High school obviously , what's not to expect, right.

"Hey girl", I let out a shock yelp as I met Rose's laughing face. I fake glare at her as I put my hand over my chest to slow the fast pace of my heart.

"Hey! Are you tryna give me a heart attack, you know I'm still too young to die.  I've got alot ahead of me, like dreams and meet Mr perfect guy with charming personalities". I punched her skin.

She continued to laugh as I stood there with my hands on my hips waiting patiently for her to be done. A minute later, she recovered.

"Finally, I should have smacked you across the head for taking your time but like they always say patients is a virtue". I grinned at her. "Okay, I hear you. So are we like on virtues now". She smirked.  "Gosh Rose, your giving me an headache ". I rubbed my head dramatically. 

"Drama queen! Anyways, how are you getting home"? Her serious face was on now. Shit! I cursed in my head. How could I forget.

You see, after lunch when word went around and got to the teachers attention about the commotion earlier in the cafeteria, Andrew was called into the Principal's office.  He wasn't left off the hook that easily, Mr. Grayson, the principal had given him a week suspension because he was the one who started the fight.

To add on, Mr Popular had a visit to the hospital due to a fracture in his nose caused by Andrew.

Annie took matters into her own hand and decided it was best if she took Andrew home and nurse his bruises.

So here I am stuck in school, well I could ask Rose to give me lift. "Umm I don't know ". I pulled out my phone. Maybe I could just ring Annie to come pick me up. I'm sure Rose has other matters to attend too.

"Your gonna call Annie are you". Rose asked. "Um yeah, I'm calling her to come pick me up". I answered. 

"Nonsense, come on I'll give you a ride". Rose took my arms in hers. "You sure". I asked just to make sure.

"No, it's fine Rose, I'll drive her myself".  His deep melodic voice rambled out as I recognize it immediately.  Spinning on my heels, I was faced with the outline of his solid chest. Anyone could literally tell he was fit and had musculs just by the way his black shirt clinged to his body like a second skin as drips of sweat began cascading down his body.

Dayyym! What the hell am I thinking. 

Stepping back a bit, I dragged my eyes up to his face. His hazel eyes were watching me as I felt the insides of my cheeks getting hot. And he saw me checking him out. Great job Angeline, Bravo!

"Uhh, you don't have too". I found my voice as it sounded like a broken glass. His eyes searched my face for any signs.

"Uhh, okay here's how it goes. Promise to drive my friend straight home, its fine by me but not to a dark alley ". Rose asked breaking the silence.
"Yeah",  Tristan answered keeping his eyes on me.

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